Seymour Whiteheads Creek Flood Study

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Consultation has concluded

Over the last eighteen months, Mitchell Shire Council, supported by the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (GBCMA), has been working on the Whiteheads Creek Flood Mapping and Intelligence Study.

We've received some new flood maps that show the impact from Whiteheads Creek in the 1973 flood, some modelling for a 1-in-100 year flood from Whiteheads Creek and some modelling to show what impact a levee along the Goulburn River may have on the Whiteheads flood area.

We now need your input to help review the mapping based on your understanding of historic flooding events of the Whiteheads Creek and its tributaries in and around the Seymour township.

We're also keen to talk to anyone in the area about the changes that a levee might bring.

You can attend a drop-in session (see below) or share your flood photos online.

Over the last eighteen months, Mitchell Shire Council, supported by the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (GBCMA), has been working on the Whiteheads Creek Flood Mapping and Intelligence Study.

We've received some new flood maps that show the impact from Whiteheads Creek in the 1973 flood, some modelling for a 1-in-100 year flood from Whiteheads Creek and some modelling to show what impact a levee along the Goulburn River may have on the Whiteheads flood area.

We now need your input to help review the mapping based on your understanding of historic flooding events of the Whiteheads Creek and its tributaries in and around the Seymour township.

We're also keen to talk to anyone in the area about the changes that a levee might bring.

You can attend a drop-in session (see below) or share your flood photos online.

Consultation has concluded
  • Thank you

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    Thank you to everyone who attended a drop-in session or provided information.

    Further information will be provided once we have finalised the flood maps.

  • Drop in Sessions

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    Drop in sessions will be held at the Chittick Park Community Place (at the same time as the Seymour Structure Plan drop ins)

    • Tuesday 15 August, 2-8pm
    • Wednesday 23 August,10.30am-4.30pm
    • Thursday 7 September, 2-8pm

    We're holding drop-in sessions for you to find out more about the study and view the maps.

    We'd also love your help to verify and improve the accuracy of the maps and provide your local knowledge of historical flood events occurring in the Whiteheads Creek catchment. before the maps are finalised as part of the flood study.

    These sessions will be attended by council staff, along with representatives from the GBCMA, and the study consultant, who will all be on hand to assist with enquiries and to gather feedback.

    You can also view the maps here and share a photo or comment online.

    Hard copies are also on display at the Seymour Customer and Library Service Centre.

    For more information please contact Cameron Baird on 5734 6200 or email

  • Project background

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    Over the last 18 months, Mitchell Shire Council, supported by the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (GBCMA), has been working on the Whiteheads Creek Flood Mapping and Intelligence Study.

    Seymour is a flood prone town from both the Goulburn River and from the Whiteheads Creek catchment. Flooding on the Goulburn River is well understood. This study focuses on the Whiteheads Creek catchment to help better understand its flood impacts on the town.

  • About the maps

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    The following draft flood maps are available on the website:

    1. 1 in 100 year (1% AEP) flood of Whiteheads Creek (without levee)
    2. 1 in 100 year (1% AEP) flood of Whiteheads Creek (with levee)
    3. 1 in 100 year (1%AEP) change in flood level due to levee
    4. 1973 event (without levee)

    The flood maps show a draft version of the expected peak flood extent and depth for the relevant event.

    A 1% Annual Exceedance Probability flood event is a flood event that has a 1% chance of occurring in any given year.