Wandong speed limit changes

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Consultation has concluded

To improve pedestrian safety, we're proposing to change speed zones around Wandong Primary School and LB Davern Reserve. Before we go ahead with the change, we're seeking community input.

Survey closes 9am, Monday 30 September 2019.

To improve pedestrian safety, we're proposing to change speed zones around Wandong Primary School and LB Davern Reserve. Before we go ahead with the change, we're seeking community input.

Survey closes 9am, Monday 30 September 2019.

Consultation has concluded
  • About the change

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    To improve pedestrian safety around Wandong Primary School, we're proposing to change speed zones in the area including introducing a permanent 40km/h zone on roads surrounding the Wandong Primary School and LB Davern Reserve including Dry Creek Crescent, Wandong Avenue and Affleck Street.

    The changes are needed due to growth at the school and increased traffic in the area. Studies show that a pedestrian hit at 50 km per hour is four times more likely to be killed or seriously injured than if they are hit at 40 km per hour.

    Before we go ahead with the change, we're seeking community input. We're contacting landholders in the area and we want to hear from the wider community.

    Please let us know if you support the change or if you have any concerns that may need addressing.

  • What area is changing?

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    We're proposing to make the following changes:

    • Permanent 40 kph on Dry Creek Crescent from the corner near LB Davern Reserve, past the school and up to Rail Street. (currently permanently 50 kph)
    • Permanent 40 kph on Wandong Avenue from Dry Creek Crescent to Affleck Street (currently 50 kph)
    • Extending permanent 40 kph on Affleck Street to just past Wandong Avenue (currently parts of this are permanently 40kph)