Rural Roadside Management

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Consultation has concluded

Did you know that Mitchell Shire Council manages 1184km of rural roads?

To assist in managing the values and uses of our rural roadsides and ensuring compliance with legislative requirements, Council has commenced the review of the existing Mitchell Shire Rural Roadside Code of Practice (2007).

This process has resulted in the development of the Draft Rural Roadside Environmental Management Plan (RREMP) which is now available for public comment.

At the 14 December 2015 Council meeting, Council resolved to extend the public exhibition period of the Draft Rural Roadside Environmental Management Plan to obtain additional community feedback.

The Draft Rural Roadside Environmental Management Plan is now available for comment until Sunday 14 February 2016.

This survey has been designed to assist in making a submission, however please feel free to provide a written submission in your own format if you prefer. Written submissions can be emailed to link) or mail to 113 High Street, Broadford VIC 3658.

To complete the survey please register or sign in to Engaging Mitchell.

Did you know that Mitchell Shire Council manages 1184km of rural roads?

To assist in managing the values and uses of our rural roadsides and ensuring compliance with legislative requirements, Council has commenced the review of the existing Mitchell Shire Rural Roadside Code of Practice (2007).

This process has resulted in the development of the Draft Rural Roadside Environmental Management Plan (RREMP) which is now available for public comment.

At the 14 December 2015 Council meeting, Council resolved to extend the public exhibition period of the Draft Rural Roadside Environmental Management Plan to obtain additional community feedback.

The Draft Rural Roadside Environmental Management Plan is now available for comment until Sunday 14 February 2016.

This survey has been designed to assist in making a submission, however please feel free to provide a written submission in your own format if you prefer. Written submissions can be emailed to link) or mail to 113 High Street, Broadford VIC 3658.

To complete the survey please register or sign in to Engaging Mitchell.

  • The Draft Rural Roadside Environmental Management Plan (RREMP) recognises that the primary purpose of a road is to provide safe access and egress.  The Draft Plan aims to balance the demands on rural roadsides for public safety, farming practices, conservation, fire risk and the provision of utility services.

    Please ensure you have reviewed the draft RREMP, including the  Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, Year 1 Action Plan and Legislative Background prior to submitting your comments.

    The Draft Rural Roadside Environmental Management Plan is now available for comment until Sunday 14 February 2016.

    Consultation has concluded
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