Why have you chosen the McIntyre Street Underpass, Seymour?
Does this mean other areas will miss out?
What should I do if I believe there should be CCTV in a different part of Seymour?
contact Council on (03) 5734 6200 to discuss further.
Is this the first time CCTV cameras are being installed in Mitchell Shire?
No. Council has successfully rolled the Hadfield Park CCTV and Security Lighting which post evaluation has highlighted an increase in community safety perceptions and reduced crime. The Broadford CCTV project works are currently underway- this site was chosen following a high number of break-ins to the Broadford Youth Room, significant vandalism and damage to the Skate Park and Youth Room and the development of the new Men’s Shed, Community Garden and Living and Learning Centre. CCTV and lighting towers are being installed as both a deterrent and an aid to reduce the likelihood of vandalism and damage.