Next steps
The revised Mitchell Planning Scheme will be limited in what it will change as a part of this project.
It will:
- translate the planning scheme into the new Planning Policy Framework format in line with the State-wide Amendment VC148, which includes updating the Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS), to a new briefer Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS);
- Look to implement policies that are relevant to planning that have been adopted by Council over the past 8 years;
- Remove policy that is duplicating or at odds with what is said in the Planning Scheme at State and Regional level; and
- Identify further work to further improve the planning scheme for the next 5 years.
It cannot/will not:
- Insert new policy that is not adopted by Council
- Insert new structure plans into the planning scheme. This work will be prepared as a separate planning scheme amendment, if they are not already implemented into the scheme.
- Rezone or nominate land for rezoning. Such nominations need to be informed by a strategic project such as a township structure pan and would be subject to a separate planning scheme amendment.
Consultation has concluded. For more details on this project, please contact Council's Strategic Planning Team on 5734 6200.