Planning Scheme Review 2020

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Consultation has concluded. For more details on this project, please contact Council's Strategic Planning Team on 5734 6200.

The Planning Scheme affects all people that live and work within the shire as it sets out how, and where, people can use and develop their land.

Council is required by the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to review the Mitchell Shire Planning Scheme regularly. This involves assessing whether the Planning Scheme provisions such as local planning policies, zones, overlays and schedules are effective in achieving the objectives and strategies of the planning scheme.

The Planning Scheme affects all people that live and work within the shire as it sets out how, and where, people can use and develop their land.

Council is required by the Planning and Environment Act 1987 to review the Mitchell Shire Planning Scheme regularly. This involves assessing whether the Planning Scheme provisions such as local planning policies, zones, overlays and schedules are effective in achieving the objectives and strategies of the planning scheme.

Consultation has concluded. For more details on this project, please contact Council's Strategic Planning Team on 5734 6200.

  • Next steps

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    The revised Mitchell Planning Scheme will be limited in what it will change as a part of this project.

    It will:

    • translate the planning scheme into the new Planning Policy Framework format in line with the State-wide Amendment VC148, which includes updating the Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS), to a new briefer Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS);
    • Look to implement policies that are relevant to planning that have been adopted by Council over the past 8 years;
    • Remove policy that is duplicating or at odds with what is said in the Planning Scheme at State and Regional level; and
    • Identify further work to further improve the planning scheme for the next 5 years.

    It cannot/will not:

    • Insert new policy that is not adopted by Council
    • Insert new structure plans into the planning scheme. This work will be prepared as a separate planning scheme amendment, if they are not already implemented into the scheme.
    • Rezone or nominate land for rezoning. Such nominations need to be informed by a strategic project such as a township structure pan and would be subject to a separate planning scheme amendment.