What is the Kilmore 3764 Project?

    It’s a project that will piece together a new structure plan for the future development and growth of the township of Kilmore, with your input. The structure plan forms an important part of Mitchell Shire Council’s long-term strategic commitments.

What is a Structure Plan and why do we need one?

    What is a structure plan?

    A Structure Plan sets out a roadmap for the future and assists decision making by Council. It considers the current situation, issues and opportunities and then develops ideas to influence the future changes. Structure Plans generally include a series of policies, strategies and actions that consider the following issues:

    • the vision for the town
    • town centre and public spaces
    • shops, business and employment
    • housing types and location
    • community infrastructure (such as schools, health services, kindergarten, recreational space)
    • open space (formal sports, playgrounds, parks)
    • drainage, water and sewerage
    • roads and connections
    • public transport and cycling
    • the environment.

    Why do we need a structure plan for Kilmore?

    The Hume Regional Growth Plan and Plan Melbourne have identified Kilmore as a town with significant potential to accommodate housing and population growth outside Melbourne.

    To manage this future growth, as well as meet the needs of the current residents and visitors, Council is preparing a new Structure Plan for Kilmore. 

    What are the boundaries of the Kilmore 3764 Structure Plan?

    The key natural and physical boundaries and site features have been identified that must be considered as part of all future options for Kilmore. The study area covers the township of Kilmore and its immediate surrounds consisting of existing urban, residential, public use, commercial, open space and underdeveloped land.

    Figure 1 provides an overview of the boundaries of the Kilmore Structure Plan project

    Figure 1. The boundaries of the Kilmore Structure Plan project

The process of the Kilmore 3764 Project

    How will this project build on previous projects?

    With the population of Kilmore growing, it is necessary to undertake strategic planning to make sure Kilmore remains a great place to live, work and visit. Over past years, council has spoken with the Kilmore community about their priorities and needs. We understand the community has put a lot of time and effort into these consultations, so the Kilmore 3764 project will be looking closely at these past projects such as the Kilmore Strategy Plan 2008 and asking the community if these are still relevant and what has changed. This feedback will be considered along with significant changes to Kilmore and surrounding areas since the Kilmore Strategy Plan was prepared.

    What will be the process of the Kilmore 3764 Project?

    The Kilmore 3764 project will be made up of four stages and will run throughout 2015 and 2016. As the project moves along, the dates may change but Council will always ensure the community is updated so you have an opportunity to participate.

    Community Inception Workshop (4 December 2014)

    Community Inception Workshop for the Kilmore Structure Plan was held to raise community awareness of the structure plan process and to identify what engagement tools can be effective throughout this process.

    This Workshop commenced the conversation with the community regarding the upcoming preparation of the Kilmore Structure Plan.

    A summary report of this Workshop can be downloaded under the 'Information and Resources' tab.

    Stage 1: Investigate the context and current issues (15 June to 17 July 2015)

    During Stage 1 we sought to hear from the community, stakeholders, planning authorities and council to understand the key planning issues and priorities.

    Stage 2: Develop an ‘Emerging Options’ paper that will outline our understanding of your current and future needs (17 November to 11 December 2015)

    During this stage we will be working with you to explain the findings from Stage 1 – for example: what infrastructure and housing needs Kilmore has now and future requirements. We will be asking you if we have correctly understood the issues and priorities you told us about in Stage 1.

    Stage 3: Draft Structure Plan (early-2016)

    Using the feedback gathered during Stage 2, we will develop a draft Structure Plan for Kilmore. During this stage we will be explaining to you how your input has been considered in the draft plans.

    The Kilmore Structure Plan will look at the following key areas:

    • residential growth and housing
    • activity centres (including business and tourism)
    • urban design and the neighbourhood ‘character’
    • community infrastructure (such as community centres, childcare and health services)
    • open space and the environment
    • transport (including pedestrian and cycling networks)
    • cultural heritage

    In considering these areas we will be also take in account the existing services, facilities, the town’s character and identity as well as sustainability and biodiversity.

    Stage 4: Final Structure Plan (mid- 2016)

    During the final stage, a complete set of plans for Kilmore will be prepared to guide council in planning over the next 20–30 years. The final Structure Plan will include a direction on how the plan should be implemented and recommendations for future planning work.

    We will explain the final plan to you, including how your input has been incorporated.  We will also explain how and when the plans are expected to be implemented.

    What are the next steps in the project?

    Following the exhibition period Council will carefully consider the feedback received. Council will make changes to the draft Plan where required and adopt a final Structure Plan. Council will then commence a planning scheme amendment to implement the Structure Plan into the Mitchell Planning Scheme. As part of this process there is another public exhibition period including the opportunity to present to an independent planning panel. 

    The process for a planning scheme amendment generally takes around 12 months. Council will progressively implement the actions identified in the plan in the coming years. 

Findings from previous stages

    What were the findings from Stage 1: Investigate the context and current issues

    Stage 1 of the project was undertaken between 15 June and 17 July 2015. During Stage 1 we undertook technical research and community engagement to understand the context and current issues facing Kilmore.

    We sought feedback form the community on the priorities and aspirations for Kilmore and its Town Centre. Approximately 220 residents, community organisations and business representatives contributed to the conversation using a variety of engagement methods, including online engagement, street surveys, drop-in sessions, small group discussions and a community workshop.

    The findings from Stage 1 are outlined in a series of reports, including technical research and engagement findings. These reports have been used to inform the development of Stage 2 Emerging Options. They can be found in the Information and Resources section of this website.

    What were the findings from Stage 2: The Emerging Options Papers

    Stage 2 of the project was undertaken between 17 November to 18 December 2015.During this stage we told the community how their feedback was used to inform Stage 2, and sought feedback on the Emerging Options Papers for Kilmore and the Town Centre.  The findings from this stage have been used to develop the draft Structure Plan.

    In Stage 2 approximately 240 residents, community organisations and business representatives contributed to the conversation using a variety of engagement methods, including online engagement, street surveys, listening posts, a walking tour and small group discussions.

    The findings from the community consultation are outlined in the Stage 2 Community Engagement Findings Report which includes consultation for both the Kilmore and the Town Centre.  This report can be found in the Information and Resources section of this website.

Implementation and future activities

    How will the Kilmore Structure Plan be implemented?

    Council will consider the recommendations of the Kilmore Structure Plan and decide if changes should be made to the Mitchell Planning Scheme. If Council adopts the recommendations, changes to the planning scheme, such as rezoning, will be done as a part of a separate process at a later date. Any changes to the planning scheme must be publicly exhibited and affected landowners will be notified.

    Implementation will also involve working with State Government, agencies and stakeholders to achieve the delivery of the required infrastructure.

    When will issues on rural land surrounding Kilmore be investigated?

    The Structure Plan focuses on land within the Kilmore urban area and identifies the future settlement boundaries for Kilmore. Issues affecting surrounding rural areas will be investigated as part of a Rural Activity Strategy, which will be prepared by Council in the medium term following the completion of strategic plans for Council’s major towns and growth areas.

    When will roads, footpaths, parks and schools etc identified in the Structure Plan be delivered?

    All the infrastructure items in the Structure Plan will not be delivered immediately. Some will be able to be delivered as part of Council’s capital works program. However, most will be delivered as part of new developments or as a result of contributions collected from new development. Larger items such as schools and arterial roads will be reliant on government funding at a time when they are needed.

    My property is in a further investigation area. What does this mean?

    A number of areas have been identified for further investigation.  These are areas which were presented in the emerging options as having potential to be developed however further investigation following the bypass construction and further development of identified precinct will be required to consider the most appropriate use of the land.  The affected properties will continue to be used for their current use in the meantime and no rezoning will be recommended for the life of the Structure Plan.

    My property is located in a growth precinct- does that mean my property will be rezoned as part of the Structure Plan?

    No, the structure plan provides a framework for future land use. The plan outlines what needs to happen for the land to be rezoned and for a change of land use to occur. This process will be initiated and funded by landowners but will be managed and agreed to by Council to ensure it occurs in accordance with the Structure Plan and other planning policies. In the meantime, existing land uses can continue.

Kilmore Town Centre Plan

    What is the Kilmore Town Centre Plan?

    The Town Centre Planis the preparation of a detailed capital works program that will lead to significant improvement to both the function and appearance of Sydney Street and the immediate surrounds.The plan aims to make Sydney Street a more attractive and inviting place for people to walk, shop and visit.  This will in turn make it a more vibrant town centre.  Council received funding of $140,000 from Regional Development Victoria to prepare the plan. 

    How will the Town Centre Plan be funded?

    The Town Centre Plan will be funded and implemented via a variety of means. The Plan breaks up the proposed works into a number of projects. Smaller projects can be delivered over time as part of Council’s capital works program. Larger projects will require additional government funding to assist Council in delivering the works. The plan provides the detailed information which is required for Council to apply for funding.

    What impact will the new one-way Patrick Street have on traffic?

    A traffic engineer has reviewed the proposal and considers that a one-way Patrick Street will have minimal impact on traffic movement and congestion. 

    Will there be bike lanes on Sydney Street?

    Bikes lanes will not be on Sydney Street due to insufficient space and safety risk to cyclists from car-doors and vehicles.  The Town Centre Plan will encourage cycling to Sydney Street, with plenty of bike racks, but not along it.  A north-south cycling route is being developed along Kilmore Creek.

    What changes will be made to the car parking in Sydney Street?

    There will be fewer car spaces in Sydney Street than there is today. This is to allow for improved pedestrian accessibility across Sydney Street, to provide a good canopy of trees and to provide for on-street dining opportunities. The plan proposes more parking to be provided in other locations with a net increase of parking in the town centre.

    Why are changes being made to carparks outside the shops?

    Some changes are being made to carparks allow an environment with good connectivity and a pleasant pedestrian experience which will encourage visitors to park nearby and undertake a range of shopping activities. The improvements include good tree canopy, improved pedestrian accessibility across Sydney Street, and on-street dining opportunities. 

    How will disabled access be affected on Sydney Street?

    There will be an increase of disabled parking on Sydney Street, the footpaths will be smoother and more accessible and Sydney Street will be easier to cross.

    Why are existing Trees in Sydney Street being removed?

    The existing trees have had long term issues because they have not had sufficient room for their roots to grow. Arborists’ recommendations have been they are removed, with a view to establish a long-term large canopy. Some existing trees may be retained when works proceed, until such a time as the new trees are established. It is proposed that existing gingko trees will be retained. 

    Will the Pin Oaks be very large?

    During consultation, the community expressed their preference for the Pin Oaks in an Avenue arrangement.  Pin Oaks are large trees, however Pin Oaks in wide streets can create a great avenue.  The size will be managed with careful arboriculture and formative pruning.

    Will the Pin Oaks have an impact on the footpaths and pavements?

    Most trees will effect pavements at some point.  The Town Centre Plan allows for large root systems. This will ensure good root establishment and minimise impact on the surrounding pavements. 

    Are improvements to Sydney Street reliant on the Kilmore-Wallan Bypass being constructed?

    The Town Centre Plan identifies a range of improvements for Sydney Street.  The improvements have been designed so that they can occur either prior or after the bypass project by completed.

The Kilmore-Wallan Bypass

    What is the Kilmore-Wallan Bypass?

    The Kilmore-Wallan Bypass is a project managed by VicRoads. The primary objective of a Kilmore-Wallan bypass is to relieve traffic congestion and the number of heavy vehicles driving through the main streets of Kilmore and Wallan.

    For further information about the Kilmore-Wallan Bypass and contact details for where questions on the Kilmore-Wallan Bypass can be directed, visit www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/planning-and-projects/regional-road-projects/kilmore-wallan-bypass

    What has been the process to date for the Kilmore-Wallan bypass?

    In 2013 specialist studies into potential routes for the Kilmore-Wallan Bypass were undertaken by VicRoads to identify an option that would hold the most promise for a Kilmore-Wallan Bypass

    During 2014 an Environment Effects Statement (EES) process was undertaken to help inform the decision making process for a bypass.

    A combined Inquiry and Advisory Committee was appointed to consider public submissions and inquire into the environmental effects of the proposal.

    In February 2015, the Minister for Planning released his Assessment under the Environment Effects Act 1978, which concluded the EES process. 

    What is the status of the Kilmore-Wallan Bypass project?

    This project is being managed by VicRoads. The Victorian Government announced 11 March, 2015 that the Western option is the confirmed route for a future Kilmore – Wallan Bypass. Please visit the Vic Roads website for further information.

    The Structure Plan considers the implications of the proposed bypass for Kilmore as a whole however identifies land directly affected by the bypass road for further investigation.

    What involvement does Council have concerning the Kilmore-Wallan bypass?

    Council will have an advocacy role during the planning, design and implementation phase of the Kilmore-Wallan Bypass.  A report acknowledging the Victorian State Government’s decision and actions for future phases of the Kilmore-Wallan Bypass was considered by Council at its Ordinary Council Meeting on 18 May 2015.

    For Council’s latest consideration on this matter, refer to the minutes of the Monday 18 May 2015 Ordinary Council Meeting, Item 9.3 available at www.mitchellshire.vic.gov.au/council/your-council/meetings/2015-council-meeting-minutes-archive

    How will the proposed Kilmore-Wallan bypass be considered in the structure planning process?

    The Kilmore 3764 project will consider the broader implications that the location of the bypass will have on Kilmore, however, the Kilmore 3764 Project will not directly influence the bypass project.

    The planned Kilmore-Wallan bypass will have a significant impact on the relative accessibility of Kilmore into the future and removal of heavy vehicles from the town centre offers a rare opportunity to improve the existing amenity of Kilmore.