Kerbside Transition Community Working Group

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To support Mitchell Shire Council as we prepare to transition to a four-bin kerbside system in 2025 the Community Working Group acted as a reference group in the area of kerbside service education and engagement.

Council is developing a household education campaign to assist with the transition to a four-bin kerbside system in 2025. The Community Working Group provided an opportunity for collaboration between Council and the community to inform the development of this campaign.

Bringing the community along during development is central to the success of this campaign. A collaborative approach to the design and implementation of this campaign will help build trust between Council and the community when it comes to waste management.

Mitchell Shire Council has held meetings in May, August and October 2023 with the working group. Based on the outcomes from the working group meetings, Council will now develop a plan for the transition of the four-bin kerbside system for 2025.

The working group undertook:

  • Brainstorming ideas for educational materials, activities and projects needed by the community to successfully transition to a four-bin system
  • Reviewed and provide feedback on the education campaign
  • Provided feedback on waste education materials such as flyers, magnets and videos
  • Heard from guest speakers from other local councils on their Kerbside transition experience

Mitchell Shire Council is making the transition to a four-stream kerbside service in line with the Victorian Government's Recycling Victoria: A new economy Policy that requires that kerbside recycling services be standardised across the state. This means that bin lid colours will be the same everywhere and that the same things can be recycled in each bin, no matter where you live in Victoria.

In line with the introduction of a food and garden organics kerbside service and glass recycling service, the general rubbish collection will be scaled back to a fortnightly service.

Participation in the Community Working Group involved about 10 – 20 hours of time per year including attending a number of meetings (online and face-to-face), reading project updates, listening to guest speakers, reviewing materials and providing feedback. Please see Terms of Reference for details.

To support Mitchell Shire Council as we prepare to transition to a four-bin kerbside system in 2025 the Community Working Group acted as a reference group in the area of kerbside service education and engagement.

Council is developing a household education campaign to assist with the transition to a four-bin kerbside system in 2025. The Community Working Group provided an opportunity for collaboration between Council and the community to inform the development of this campaign.

Bringing the community along during development is central to the success of this campaign. A collaborative approach to the design and implementation of this campaign will help build trust between Council and the community when it comes to waste management.

Mitchell Shire Council has held meetings in May, August and October 2023 with the working group. Based on the outcomes from the working group meetings, Council will now develop a plan for the transition of the four-bin kerbside system for 2025.

The working group undertook:

  • Brainstorming ideas for educational materials, activities and projects needed by the community to successfully transition to a four-bin system
  • Reviewed and provide feedback on the education campaign
  • Provided feedback on waste education materials such as flyers, magnets and videos
  • Heard from guest speakers from other local councils on their Kerbside transition experience

Mitchell Shire Council is making the transition to a four-stream kerbside service in line with the Victorian Government's Recycling Victoria: A new economy Policy that requires that kerbside recycling services be standardised across the state. This means that bin lid colours will be the same everywhere and that the same things can be recycled in each bin, no matter where you live in Victoria.

In line with the introduction of a food and garden organics kerbside service and glass recycling service, the general rubbish collection will be scaled back to a fortnightly service.

Participation in the Community Working Group involved about 10 – 20 hours of time per year including attending a number of meetings (online and face-to-face), reading project updates, listening to guest speakers, reviewing materials and providing feedback. Please see Terms of Reference for details.

Got a question?

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  • Share Would the changes mean:- Green Lid bins each week, especially in Summer? 240L Bin for those with green thumbs. Red each fortnight. 240L Yellow each fortnight, as is the case now? 240L Purple/Mauve each month? 120L on Facebook Share Would the changes mean:- Green Lid bins each week, especially in Summer? 240L Bin for those with green thumbs. Red each fortnight. 240L Yellow each fortnight, as is the case now? 240L Purple/Mauve each month? 120L on Twitter Share Would the changes mean:- Green Lid bins each week, especially in Summer? 240L Bin for those with green thumbs. Red each fortnight. 240L Yellow each fortnight, as is the case now? 240L Purple/Mauve each month? 120L on Linkedin Email Would the changes mean:- Green Lid bins each week, especially in Summer? 240L Bin for those with green thumbs. Red each fortnight. 240L Yellow each fortnight, as is the case now? 240L Purple/Mauve each month? 120L link

    Would the changes mean:- Green Lid bins each week, especially in Summer? 240L Bin for those with green thumbs. Red each fortnight. 240L Yellow each fortnight, as is the case now? 240L Purple/Mauve each month? 120L

    epoh asked 12 months ago

    Hi, thank you for your inquiry. 

    From March 2025 our kerbside collection service will include:

    • 120 Litre Green lid bin (Food and Garden Organics) – collected week
    • 240 Litre Yellow lid bin (mixed recycling) – collected fortnightly
    • 120 Litre Red lid bin (general rubbish) – collected fortnightly
    • 120 Litre Purple lid bin (glass only recycling) – collected monthly

    We look forward to sharing more information with our community on these changes in coming months.

  • Share Is this to be an opt in system with these extra two bins? I fear the multitude of bins will become a visual blight on neighbourhoods and this should be an opt in system for residents on Facebook Share Is this to be an opt in system with these extra two bins? I fear the multitude of bins will become a visual blight on neighbourhoods and this should be an opt in system for residents on Twitter Share Is this to be an opt in system with these extra two bins? I fear the multitude of bins will become a visual blight on neighbourhoods and this should be an opt in system for residents on Linkedin Email Is this to be an opt in system with these extra two bins? I fear the multitude of bins will become a visual blight on neighbourhoods and this should be an opt in system for residents link

    Is this to be an opt in system with these extra two bins? I fear the multitude of bins will become a visual blight on neighbourhoods and this should be an opt in system for residents

    Fish2015 asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    As we have not yet settled on the model for the new services we have not yet confirmed the number or size of the new bins.  

    Council along with the Community Working Group will be looking at opportunities to solve problems such as these including sharing bins where practicable such as in high-density multi-unit development housing.

    However, we do know that the service standardised across all households that received a kerbside service.

Page last updated: 27 Dec 2023, 08:55 AM