What is deliberative engagement and how will it work
Deliberative engagement involves bringing together a group of individuals who are representative of the diverse community to come together and deliberate over a set of issues, challenges or conundrums and make recommendations to address these. This group, known as a Community Panel, includes people of varying ages, genders, cultural backgrounds, life stages, education levels and geographical areas.
Using deliberative engagement processes gives participants the time to absorb relevant information, ask questions, and thoughtfully consider and debate solutions and propose recommendations for a way forward.
Why is Council setting up a Community Panel?
After Victoria’s local government elections in October, Mitchell Shire will welcome a new Council in November. The new Council’s first big tasks are to create the Council and Health and Wellbeing Plan for 2025-2029 and to review the Financial and Asset Plans.
It is a requirement of the Local Government Act 2020 that Council undertake deliberative community engagement on these plans.
The panel will represent the diverse voices of our community, making sure that community views and priorities are included in these plans and help us achieve the Mitchell Shire Community Vision.
What will the Community Panel do?
The Community Panel will be provided information about key issues, challenges and priorities for Council and engage in discussions, debates, and deliberations on these. This will be a really supportive environment, facilitated by experienced professionals. As a group you will provide valuable insights and develop recommendations to Council that will inform important decisions on the Council and Health and Wellbeing Plan, Asset Plan and Financial Plan.
How is the Community Panel recruited?
To ensure that the Community Panel is representative of the diverse community that makes up Mitchell Shire we have engaged an independent consultant to handle the recruitment and selection process.
The Community Panel will be selected to represent (as best as possible) the broad make-up of the Mitchell community in terms of age, gender, cultural background, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander identity, disability, life stage, LGBTIQA+ identity and the areas where people live (or run their business).
What demographics are used to select the Community Panel?
What support/adjustments can Council provide for panel members?
Any reasonable support or adjustment will be provided to ensure that all panel members can participate fully. This could mean translated information, language or AUSLAN interpreter, child-minding, breast feeding area, transportation, bringing sensory aids, a carer or support worker to attend with you or something else. Please tell us what you might need when you register and we will work directly with you to provide this. We have developed an easy-English guide to help people with disability and their family or carers to understand more about the Community Panel.
Each participant will receive payment of $200 in recognition of your insights and lived experience and to say thank you for your time. This might also help with some of the additional costs you might have in attend for example baby sitting or travel. Food and drinks will be provided.
If I am selected, what happens next?
If you are selected to participate in the Community Panel, you will receive a phone call and email from our consultant Deliberately Engaging. They will then arrange a time with you to answer any questions you may have, closer to the date of the meetings.
They will also explain the arrangements for the Community Panel meetings and you can use this time to raise any additional supports you might need to participate.
What is the Community Vision?
The Community Vision presents the community’s aspirations for the future of Mitchell Shire. It is used to inform the development of the other key strategic planning documents within a Council. Mitchell 2050 Vision Statement: We are a healthy, vibrant and connected community that values nature, diversity and innovation. Our wish for the future is that Mitchell will become a place that people of all ages love to call home. Where we celebrate our natural beauty and where businesses prosper. There are six themes in the vision: Vibrant communities, Working, learning, tourism, Travelling and getting around, Shaping neighbourhoods, Nature and parks, and Climate action. You can learn more about the Community Vision at mitchellshire.vic.gov.au/mitchell2050
What is a Council Plan?
A Council Plan sets out the strategic direction of the Council for at least the next four years and is informed by the Community Vision. Our next plan will also include our priorities for health and wellbeing. You can read more about the current Council Plan at mitchellshire.vic.gov.au/council/our-organisation/public-documents/council-strategies-and-plans#council-plan and the current Health and Wellbeing Plan at mitchellshire.vic.gov.au/community/health-and-wellbeing/health-and-wellbeing-plan
What is a Financial Plan?
The Financial Plan determines how Council will best use the finances available to deliver on its commitments from the Council Plan and other plans such as infrastructure and capital works e.g. playgrounds, parks and open spaces, roads, footpaths and community facilities, delivery of services and other community needs. You can learn more about the current Financial Plan at mitchellshire.vic.gov.au/council/our-organisation/public-documents/budget
What is an Asset Plan?
The Asset Plan determines how Council will manage redevelopment, renewal and new assets and infrastructure such as roads, footpaths, bridges, buildings, drains, parks and playgrounds.