COVIDSafe Practices

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Consultation has concluded

COVIDSafe Practices for Events and Businesses

Mitchell Shire Council has secured funding support from the Victorian Government to assist businesses with their COVIDSafe practices.

COVIDSafe practices are essential for all businesses and events as they help control the spread of COVID-19 and minimise business interruption.

The Events & Business Support team, from Council's Economic Development unit, will be engaging with local businesses and event organisers to help them with the COVIDSafe practices. The team can assist with:

  • COVIDSafe plans and can organise a free professional review
  • QR code system
  • Explaining the difference between the COVID Marshall and the Check-in Marshall
  • Social distancing and site capacity
  • Metro vs regional requirements (if applicable)
  • Required signage
  • Taking action if you have a known positive case

Please complete the attached survey so we can understand how to assist your business.

COVIDSafe Practices for Events and Businesses

Mitchell Shire Council has secured funding support from the Victorian Government to assist businesses with their COVIDSafe practices.

COVIDSafe practices are essential for all businesses and events as they help control the spread of COVID-19 and minimise business interruption.

The Events & Business Support team, from Council's Economic Development unit, will be engaging with local businesses and event organisers to help them with the COVIDSafe practices. The team can assist with:

  • COVIDSafe plans and can organise a free professional review
  • QR code system
  • Explaining the difference between the COVID Marshall and the Check-in Marshall
  • Social distancing and site capacity
  • Metro vs regional requirements (if applicable)
  • Required signage
  • Taking action if you have a known positive case

Please complete the attached survey so we can understand how to assist your business.

  • Mitchell Shire Council has secured funding support from the Victorian Government to assist businesses with their COVIDSafe practices.

    Please fill in this short survey to let us know how we can assist your business. 

    Consultation has concluded
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