What is the Community Vision?

    The Community Vision presents the community’s aspirations for the future. It does not set out any specific action or strategies, it is used to inform the development of the other key strategic planning documents within a Council.  Mitchell 2050 Vision StatementWe are a healthy, vibrant and connected community that values nature, diversity and innovation. Our wish for the future is that Mitchell will become a place that people of all ages love to call home. Where we celebrate our natural beauty and where businesses prosper. There are six themes in the vision: Vibrant communities, Working, learning, tourism, Travelling and getting around, Shaping neighbourhoods, Nature and parks, and Climate action. 

    Further information about the Community Vision is available at www.mitchellshire.vic.gov.au/mitchell2050

    What is a Council Plan?

    A Council Plan sets the strategic direction of the Council.  It sets out strategic objectivesindicators and initiatives to implement Council’s services, infrastructure and amenity initiatives over the medium term.  A Council Plan must be developed in line with the Local Government Act 2020. 

    What is a Health and Wellbeing Plan?

    A Health and Wellbeing Plan sets out the actions Council will take to improve health and wellbeing of the local community.  The Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 determines it must be informed by an analysis of the health status of the local communities and address the health determinants and inequities that emerge.  A health and wellbeing plan reflects the state government health and wellbeing priorities and must include the action Council will take to address family violence and respond to the health impacts of climate change.