Project update - August 2021

Process on making changes to the Structure Plan

Currently we are in the process on making changes to the draft Structure Plan, based on the submissions received. Key changes are being discussed with our Councilors in the upcoming weeks and I hope to be able to share an overview of the proposed key changes with you later this month.

Community Questions and Hearings Committee

A Community Questions and Hearings Committee meeting on the Broadford Structure Plan is scheduled for Monday 30 August 2021. Attached to this e-mail you will find the letter with more information on how you can sign up to address our Councilors at this meeting.

At this point in time I am optimistic that we will be able to have this meeting in person, but this will obviously depend on the Covid restrictions in place at that point in time.

Next Steps

After the Community Questions and Hearings committee, the final Structure Plan will be prepared. This final plan will then be discussed at a Council Meeting later this year.

Thank you for taking part in the Broadford Structure Plan consultation process. This survey is now closed. We're still in the process of drafting, but keen an eye on our meetings at 

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