Broadford Pop-up Park

Consultation has concluded, you can read a copy of the engagement summary report here 

Installed in late 2023, the Broadford Pop-up Park is a trial project to test the idea for the future town square, an initiative identified as a priority based on feedback received from the community in the Broadford Structure Plan.

It has been used for Christmas celebrations and as a meeting place in summer. At this stage, the park is scheduled to be in place until the end of May 2024.

There is the potential for it to remain indefinitely subject to community feedback.

Your feedback is vital as we consider the next phase in planning for the future town square and whether the community would like to see the pop-up park remain.

Get Involved

Please share your thoughts by filling out our online survey.

  • Complete the survey below
  • Come and see us in person - details are under the See us at the park section on this page.

Need a hard copy?

Comments provided during this consultation will also assist future planning for Powlett Street and the potential for a town square at this location.

Survey closes 5pm Sunday 5 May.

What happens next

After the survey closes, a report will be prepared after finalising the results.

We will still offer an opportunity to leave comments on this page, to continue to hear from the community on the space.

More information

Please contact the Urban Design team at or 5734 6200.

You can also see the pop-up park plan and some examples of how to use this space, under the documents section on this page.

Installed in late 2023, the Broadford Pop-up Park is a trial project to test the idea for the future town square, an initiative identified as a priority based on feedback received from the community in the Broadford Structure Plan.

It has been used for Christmas celebrations and as a meeting place in summer. At this stage, the park is scheduled to be in place until the end of May 2024.

There is the potential for it to remain indefinitely subject to community feedback.

Your feedback is vital as we consider the next phase in planning for the future town square and whether the community would like to see the pop-up park remain.

Get Involved

Please share your thoughts by filling out our online survey.

  • Complete the survey below
  • Come and see us in person - details are under the See us at the park section on this page.

Need a hard copy?

Comments provided during this consultation will also assist future planning for Powlett Street and the potential for a town square at this location.

Survey closes 5pm Sunday 5 May.

What happens next

After the survey closes, a report will be prepared after finalising the results.

We will still offer an opportunity to leave comments on this page, to continue to hear from the community on the space.

More information

Please contact the Urban Design team at or 5734 6200.

You can also see the pop-up park plan and some examples of how to use this space, under the documents section on this page.

Consultation has concluded, you can read a copy of the engagement summary report here 

  • About the Pop-up Park

    The Broadford Pop-up Park is a trial project to test the idea for the future town square, an initiative identified as a priority based on feedback received from the community in the Broadford Structure Plan in 2022.

    In November 2023, 4 parking spaces on Powlett Street were turned into a vibrant, temporary pop-up park.

    This installation provided an opportunity to celebrate Christmas and showcase local skills. The park hosted a community-led initiative with a Christmas Tree made by the Broadford Men's Shed and decorated by various community groups. To create a more inviting and comfortable space, the Men's Shed also built seating made from pallets and added turf. A colourful ashpahlt art mural by 3 young local artists was added to the surrounding road with support from Council and Government funding.

    The pop-up park is scheduled to remain in place until the end of May 2024, as a communal space in the heart of Broadford.

    There is the potential for it to remain, subject to community feedback. Comments provided during this consultation will assist future planning for Powlett Street and the potential for a town square at this location, as identified in the Broadford Structure Plan 2022.

  • How you can use the space

    We encourage community groups, local businesses, and the broader community to use the pop-up park for activities, classes and workshops.

    This intimate space features:

    • approximately 35m2 grassed space
    • seating
    • planter boxes
    • an umbrella
    • a shelter with climbing plant
    • a table with 2 benches.

    It is perfect for small community gatherings. No booking is needed. Please note, this is a public space for everyone's use and is not for exclusive use. It is important to look after this communal open space.