Stage 1 engagement
Mitchell Shire Council is developing a masterplan to improve the Anzac Avenue streetscape from the railway underpass to Kobyboyn Road.
The project scope has been extended from Delatite Road to Kobyboyn Road as a result of the Round 1 consultation with stakeholders and the community in September and October 2022.
The general feedback from the community and stakeholders was supportive of the master plan for Anzac Avenue to:
- Support for the Avenue of Honour
- Improve the safety of all road users
- Encourage active transport opportunities
- Improve public amenities and spaces along and around Anzac Avenue
- Enhance the character of Anzac Avenue by reinforcing the identity of Seymour
- Promote Biodiversity and water-sensitive urban design (WSUD)
Using the feedback received from the previous consultation, the project team has developed the Masterplan Options.
What's planned
- Provide an Avenue of Honour tree memorial
- Improve access to the War Memorial
- Enhance pedestrian and cycling safety
- Increase biodiversity
- Increase informal crossings and connections
- Improve public realm
Once the Masterplan is finalised, Council will seek funding to deliver upgrades over the coming years.
Get involved
We would like your opinion and preference for the options. Your feedback will help us shape and consolidate the final Master Plan for Anzac Avenue.
There are a number of ways you can get involved:
- Chat with us at one of our drop-in sessions
- Visit our display at Seymour Customer and Library Service Centre
- Pop into one of our Customer and Library Services Centres to view the options and pick up a hard copy of the survey
- Complete the survey online
- Download a copy of the survey
The survey is open until Wednesday 24 May, 2023.
For more information on the Anzac Avenue masterplan contact Council's Strategic Planning Team on 5734 6200.
CLOSED: This round of consultation has now closed. For more information on this project please contact Council's Strategic Planning team on 5734 6200.