Wandong and Heathcote Junction outdoor fitness equipment

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Consultation has concluded. For more information on this project, please contact Council on 5734 6200. 

We've received funding to install five outdoor fitness equipment stations for use by the Wandong and Heathcote Junction community and we're looking for input on the proposed locations along the Say G'Day trail including LB Davern Reserve.

The proposed station locations have been prepared in consultation with the Wandong Heathcote Junction Community Group who have helped make this project possible. We have also considered visibility, proximity to underground services and cultural heritage when selecting the proposed locations.

We have contacted properties near the proposed sites directly. We are also seeking feedback from the wider community on the proposed locations.

A community drop-in session will be held from 5.30-6.30pm on 5 May at LB Davern Reserve.

Your input will help finalise the plans prior to a public tender process, where a contractor will be appointed to install the new equipment.

How to get involved?

Please complete the survey below, attend our drop-ins session or contact us or visit one of our Customer and Library Service Centres for a hard copy.

Drop-in session

A drop-in session will be held from 5.30-6.30pm on 5 May at the Community Centre at LB Davern Reserve.

Your input will help finalise the plans prior to a public tender process, where a contractor will be appointed to install the new equipment.


This $210,000 project is funded through the Federal Government's Local Roads and Infrastructure Program.


For further information please call us on 5734 6200.

Survey closes 5pm, Monday 17 May 2021.

We've received funding to install five outdoor fitness equipment stations for use by the Wandong and Heathcote Junction community and we're looking for input on the proposed locations along the Say G'Day trail including LB Davern Reserve.

The proposed station locations have been prepared in consultation with the Wandong Heathcote Junction Community Group who have helped make this project possible. We have also considered visibility, proximity to underground services and cultural heritage when selecting the proposed locations.

We have contacted properties near the proposed sites directly. We are also seeking feedback from the wider community on the proposed locations.

A community drop-in session will be held from 5.30-6.30pm on 5 May at LB Davern Reserve.

Your input will help finalise the plans prior to a public tender process, where a contractor will be appointed to install the new equipment.

How to get involved?

Please complete the survey below, attend our drop-ins session or contact us or visit one of our Customer and Library Service Centres for a hard copy.

Drop-in session

A drop-in session will be held from 5.30-6.30pm on 5 May at the Community Centre at LB Davern Reserve.

Your input will help finalise the plans prior to a public tender process, where a contractor will be appointed to install the new equipment.


This $210,000 project is funded through the Federal Government's Local Roads and Infrastructure Program.


For further information please call us on 5734 6200.

Survey closes 5pm, Monday 17 May 2021.

  • Mitchell Shire Counci has received funding to install five outdoor fitness equipment stations for use by the Wandong and Heathcote Junction community and we're looking for input on the proposed locations along the Say G'Day trail including LB Davern Reserve.
    We would appreciate you taking the time to complete this short consultation survey to help finalise a design for the Outdoor Fitness Equipment Stations. Questions marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

    Consultation has concluded. For more information on this project, please contact Council on 5734 6200. 

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