Consultation Begins

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

The draft Wallan Town Centre Master Plan and Urban Design Framework (Wallan Town Centre Plan) are key guiding documents designed to shape the future development of Wallan town centre.

The Wallan Town Centre Plan seeks to establish both a long term vision for the town centre and also identifies a number of key projects and priority actions as an impetus for change on the short and medium term.

Council is seeking comment on the draft Wallan Town Centre Plan from the community and any other interested stakeholders.

View the draft documents

Council have also prepared a 10 page summary paper.

The draft Plan can also be viewed at the Wallan Library

If you would like to comment, please write a formal submission and submit in writing to:

Wallan Town Centre Plan project
Mitchell Shire Council
113 High Street
Broadford VIC 3658

or email to:

Submissions close at 5pm on Tuesday 19 July 2016.

Consultation has concluded

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