Why do we need a Master Plan and Urban Design Framework for Wallan Town Centre?

    Wallan has been included within Melbourne’s Urban Growth Boundary and is set to become part of an expanded greater Melbourne over the coming years. In light of this, the Wallan Structure Plan was completed and plans for an eventual population of approximately 50,000. As Wallan grows, the Town Centre will experience significant growth and development to cater to the increasing surrounding population. To manage this future growth, and ensure that growth is positive for the town centre and for Wallan’s residents, Council is preparing this new Town Centre Master Plan and Urban Design Framework.

    What is the status of the Kilmore – Wallan bypass project?

    The project is being managed by VicRoads. The Victorian Government announced a preferred option (the Western Option) for a future Kilmore – Wallan Bypass. VicRoads are currently undertaking final investigations in respect of the option and road alignment. Please visit the VicRoads website for further information.

    My property is located in the Wallan Town Centre Study Area? What does that mean for me?

    The Wallan Town Centre Plan provides a framework for future land use. Some of the future land uses may require a rezoning, which will be undertaken in accordance with the relevant statutory planning processes. Existing uses can continue in the meantime.

    How will the Urban Design Guidelines affect how I can develop my property?

    The Urban Design Guide lines contains a set of Design Objectives which describe desired outcomes to be achieved by future development in each town centre precinct of the town centre. It also contains preferred outcomes which outline how the Design Objectives could be best achieved.

    It is recommended that these Design Objectives are considered when proposing any new form of development within the Master Plan area.

    When will the roads, footpaths, public realm upgrades, etc, that are shown in the Master Plan be delivered?

    All of the proposed infrastructure upgrades and public realm projects identified in the Plan will not be delivered immediately. Some will be able to be delivered gradually as part of Council’s capital works program. However, most will be delivered as part of new developments or as a result of contributions collected from new development. Larger items, such as new road connections within the town centre, will most likely be reliant on government funding at a time when they are needed.

    An important reason for having this Plan in place is that it enables Council to advocate to State and Federal governments for funding to help deliver these vital projects, and Council will actively use the Town Centre Plan for this purpose.

    What are the next steps in the project?

    Following the exhibition period Council will carefully consider the feedback received. Council will make changes to the draft plan where required and adopt a final Master Plan and Urban Design Framework. Council will then commence a planning scheme amendment to implement the Master Plan and Urban Design Framework into the Mitchell Planning Scheme. As part of this process there will be another public exhibition period including the opportunity to present to an independent planning panel. The process for a planning scheme amendment generally takes around 12 months. Council will progressively implement the actions identified in the plan in the coming years, in cooperation with other public and also private sector stakeholders.