Wallan to Heathcote Rail Trail Feasibility Study

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Consultation has concluded

The Wallan to Heathcote Rail Trail (WHRT) is a proposed 78km shared pathway (walking, cycling, horse riding) which would run from Wallan in the south of Mitchell Shire to Heathcote in the City of Greater Bendigo.

The trail would follow the former (dismantled) rail corridor between Heathcote Junction and Heathcote. The possible trail would also include two additional spurs, the first links Wallan Station via Hidden Valley, while the second would link with Wandong/Heathcote Junction.

Community Consultation was held during February, March and early April 2017, which included:

  • 1-1 meetings with landholders
  • Group meetings with community and industry stakeholders
  • 6 listening posts (Heathcote Junction, Wandong; Wallan; Kilmore; Pyalong; Tooborac; Heathcote)
  • Online and hard copy surveys
  • Submissions

The draft feasibility study was released in December 2017.

Council endorsed the study at its March 2018 Council meeting and is now working on scoping the next steps to prepare for funding applications for further investigations.

The document library contains the following:

  • Feasibility Study Vol I&II [a very large document, separated into several files]
  • Feasibility Study Summary Document
  • FAQs
  • What We Heard - a summary of community consultation (flyer)

The Wallan to Heathcote Rail Trail (WHRT) is a proposed 78km shared pathway (walking, cycling, horse riding) which would run from Wallan in the south of Mitchell Shire to Heathcote in the City of Greater Bendigo.

The trail would follow the former (dismantled) rail corridor between Heathcote Junction and Heathcote. The possible trail would also include two additional spurs, the first links Wallan Station via Hidden Valley, while the second would link with Wandong/Heathcote Junction.

Community Consultation was held during February, March and early April 2017, which included:

  • 1-1 meetings with landholders
  • Group meetings with community and industry stakeholders
  • 6 listening posts (Heathcote Junction, Wandong; Wallan; Kilmore; Pyalong; Tooborac; Heathcote)
  • Online and hard copy surveys
  • Submissions

The draft feasibility study was released in December 2017.

Council endorsed the study at its March 2018 Council meeting and is now working on scoping the next steps to prepare for funding applications for further investigations.

The document library contains the following:

  • Feasibility Study Vol I&II [a very large document, separated into several files]
  • Feasibility Study Summary Document
  • FAQs
  • What We Heard - a summary of community consultation (flyer)
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    You can provide feedback by taking our short survey here or you can make a written online submission below. 

    Consultation has concluded
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    You can take our survey via the Feedback Form or make an online submission. 

    Submissions need to be received by 5pm on Monday 10 April 2017.

    To make an online submission please continue. 

    You can also make a written submission via mail, email or by dropping in to our Customer and Library Service Centres in Broadford, Kilmore, Seymour and Wallan. 


    Wallan to Heathcote Feasibility Study
    C/- Vanessa Wiltshire
    Business Development and Engagement Officer
    Mitchell Shire Council
    113 High Street
    Broadford 3658




    For locations and opening times, please visit Council's website for Customer and Library Service Centres details. 

    Consultation has concluded
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