Wallan East family and children's centre

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Consultation has concluded

Children at a table with a teacher

We're getting ready to build a new temporary family and children's centre in Wallan East to provide kindergarten and maternal and child health services.

We're asking community members what sort of activities and programs they would like in the new centre.

Survey closes 5pm, Monday 3 February.

Funding partners

This $2.1 million project is funded through the Victorian State Government's Growing Suburbs Fund with support from Mitchell Shire Council.

More information

If you would prefer a hard copy survey, or have any questions, please contact the Children's Services Coordinator on 5734 6200.

We're getting ready to build a new temporary family and children's centre in Wallan East to provide kindergarten and maternal and child health services.

We're asking community members what sort of activities and programs they would like in the new centre.

Survey closes 5pm, Monday 3 February.

Funding partners

This $2.1 million project is funded through the Victorian State Government's Growing Suburbs Fund with support from Mitchell Shire Council.

More information

If you would prefer a hard copy survey, or have any questions, please contact the Children's Services Coordinator on 5734 6200.

  • As part of Council's commitment to improving services and determining future needs for Maternal and Child Health and Kindergarten Services, we are seeking community feedback.

    Your feedback will provide valuable input into the future direction of our Maternal and Child Health and Kindergarten Services. 

    The survey is open until 5pm, Monday 3 February 2020.

    Consultation has concluded
    Share Wallan East Family and Children's Centre Survey on Facebook Share Wallan East Family and Children's Centre Survey on Twitter Share Wallan East Family and Children's Centre Survey on Linkedin Email Wallan East Family and Children's Centre Survey link