Wallan District Community Network

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Consultation has concluded

The vision of the Wallan District Community Network is building a stronger community in Wallan.

The purpose is to:

  • To raise awareness of local needs and provide a coordinated approach to advocating for infrastructure and services in Wallan.
  • To work collectively towards resolving community issues and improving community outcomes in Wallan.
  • To share information about the local area and keep up to date with activities and programs that are available.
  • To support the sense of social connectedness amongst community members in Wallan.

Membership of the group is open to all community groups, community members, service providers or businesses with an interest in the community wellbeing and future outcomes of the Wallan community.

The role of members is to actively participate in information sharing, collaboration and provide support to achieve a coordinated response to community need in Wallan.


6pm-7.30pm, Wednesday 7 March

Wallan Youth Room, Wallan Multi-Purpose Centre (42 Bentinck St)

We are encouraging all community groups, residents, service providers and businesses to come along and find out how they can be involved and play their part in shaping a stronger community for Wallan.

The aim is for this network to be driven by community for community. At the workshop you will have the opportunity to have your say on meeting dates, times and structure and help develop the new Terms of Reference for 2018.

For further information please email Community Development on community.development@mitchellshire.vic.gov.au or call 5734 6200.

The vision of the Wallan District Community Network is building a stronger community in Wallan.

The purpose is to:

  • To raise awareness of local needs and provide a coordinated approach to advocating for infrastructure and services in Wallan.
  • To work collectively towards resolving community issues and improving community outcomes in Wallan.
  • To share information about the local area and keep up to date with activities and programs that are available.
  • To support the sense of social connectedness amongst community members in Wallan.

Membership of the group is open to all community groups, community members, service providers or businesses with an interest in the community wellbeing and future outcomes of the Wallan community.

The role of members is to actively participate in information sharing, collaboration and provide support to achieve a coordinated response to community need in Wallan.


6pm-7.30pm, Wednesday 7 March

Wallan Youth Room, Wallan Multi-Purpose Centre (42 Bentinck St)

We are encouraging all community groups, residents, service providers and businesses to come along and find out how they can be involved and play their part in shaping a stronger community for Wallan.

The aim is for this network to be driven by community for community. At the workshop you will have the opportunity to have your say on meeting dates, times and structure and help develop the new Terms of Reference for 2018.

For further information please email Community Development on community.development@mitchellshire.vic.gov.au or call 5734 6200.

  • Mitchell Shire Council are calling on representitves from all community groups, community members, service providers or businesses with an interest in the community wellbeing and future outcomes of the Wallan community. 

    If you would like to join this network, please complete the expressions of interest form by clicking on the below link or downloading a hard copy under the 'document library' on the right hand side of this page.

    Consultation has concluded
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