Why doesn't the slide meet safety requirements anymore?

    The slide at Tallarook Outdoor Pool has to be turned on and have water running down the slide to make it operational. 

    This water runs on the same circulation pumps as the main pool.

    The water circulates from an inlet inside of the pool and up to the top of the slide. 

    This creates a suction which can create an entrapment risk that can result in someone drowning (eg. hair getting caught).

    The audit recommends decommissioning the slide and having it removed or replaced.

    How much is a new slide likely to cost and where will the funding come from?

    To decommission and remove the existing slide will be approximately $10,000.

    A new slide similar to the ones shown in the concept drawings is expected to cost approximately $90,000. 

    This will need to be considered as part of the annual capital works budget.

    If approved for the next budget, it is hoped that work could be completed in the off season with a new slide ready for summer 2022/23. 

    Why wasn't the work done while the pool was shut?

    The draft audit report was received mid-2021. 

    It has been difficult to get contractors on site to fully understand the issues and required works due to COVID restrictions. 

    We have not removed the slide ahead of this season as we wanted to let the community know about the safety problem first and then ask Tallarook pool users over summer what they think about a potential replacement.