Special Rates and Charges Policy Revision 2023

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Consultation has concluded

The Special Rates and Charges Policy was first created in 2004 and was last revised in 2014. The Policy has been reviewed and updated in 2023 and is now being provided to the community to seek public feedback and comments, prior to its proposed adoption by Council.

A Special Rates and Charges Scheme is a mechanism Council can use to share costs of capital works or economic development projects with landowners where some landowners may receive a benefit from a project that the wider community does not get. A scheme will only proceed if there is a majority support from the impacted community members and Council. Where a potential project is nominated by the community or Council, Council must undertake a comprehensive engagement process with the community before it can declare a scheme. This policy provides that guidance for the engagement in line with the Local Government Act 2020.

Get involved

There are a number of ways you can get involved . The community is invited to read the Special Charges Policy and Special Rates and Charges Procedure, available in our documents section on this page, and provide feedback or comments prior to the Policy being proposed for adoption by Council in February 2024.

  • Fill out your submission online via the 'Make a Submission' link below
  • Drop your submission in to one of our Customer and Library Centres in Broadford, Kilmore, Seymour or Wallan
  • Provide a written response by mail to: Mitchell Shire Council, Reply Paid 70358, 113 High Street, Broadford, Vic, 3658

More Information

If you have any questions or need further information you can contact Manager Strategic Assets and Property mike.freeman@mitchellshire.vic.gov.au or 0456 956 106

Closing date

Please provide feedback by 5pm Thursday 30 November 2023.

The Special Rates and Charges Policy was first created in 2004 and was last revised in 2014. The Policy has been reviewed and updated in 2023 and is now being provided to the community to seek public feedback and comments, prior to its proposed adoption by Council.

A Special Rates and Charges Scheme is a mechanism Council can use to share costs of capital works or economic development projects with landowners where some landowners may receive a benefit from a project that the wider community does not get. A scheme will only proceed if there is a majority support from the impacted community members and Council. Where a potential project is nominated by the community or Council, Council must undertake a comprehensive engagement process with the community before it can declare a scheme. This policy provides that guidance for the engagement in line with the Local Government Act 2020.

Get involved

There are a number of ways you can get involved . The community is invited to read the Special Charges Policy and Special Rates and Charges Procedure, available in our documents section on this page, and provide feedback or comments prior to the Policy being proposed for adoption by Council in February 2024.

  • Fill out your submission online via the 'Make a Submission' link below
  • Drop your submission in to one of our Customer and Library Centres in Broadford, Kilmore, Seymour or Wallan
  • Provide a written response by mail to: Mitchell Shire Council, Reply Paid 70358, 113 High Street, Broadford, Vic, 3658

More Information

If you have any questions or need further information you can contact Manager Strategic Assets and Property mike.freeman@mitchellshire.vic.gov.au or 0456 956 106

Closing date

Please provide feedback by 5pm Thursday 30 November 2023.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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