Rural Land and Activities Review 2022
Consultation has concluded

Rural Land and Activities Review 2022
We've prepared the Rural Land and Activities Review to provide planning policy, directions, and recommendations for rural land. The review also provides high-level strategic direction and guidance for future strategic planning for the small townships of Pyalong, Tallarook, Tooborac and Waterford Park. These recommendations will inform future changes to the Mitchell Planning Scheme.
Council adopted the Rural Land and Activities Review at is Ordinary Council Meeting on 13 December 2022. You can view the Council Report for 12 December 2022 here:
Please note, many of the files are very large files as they contain detailed maps. This will need a reliable internet connection and will use data to download. If you would like to view a hard copy, we encourage you to attend a drop in session or contact us on 5734 6200 to arrange access for a hard copy to be sent.
If you require more information or have anything further you wish to discuss, please call Council's Strategic Planning team on 5734 6200.