Renaming part of Ferguson Street Broadford

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Consultation on this stage of the renaming has ended. Please visit the main project page for other updates. 

an illustration of a road with hills

We're proposing to rename part of Ferguson Street Street in Broadford on the western side of the railway line between Hamilton Street and Murchison Street. There are no changes being proposed to Ferguson Street on the eastern side of the railway line.

Why is the change being proposed?

Ferguson Street in Broadford is currently split by the railway line that runs through the township. One part of Ferguson street runs next to the eastern side of the railway line and the other part is on the western side. Both sides do not physically connect.

Renaming this section of Ferguson Street will make it easier for emergency services and people to locate the correct address. It also meets the naming rules for places in Victoria.

Approximately 15 properties currently addressed to the affected section of Ferguson Street will need to be re-addressed as part of the proposal.

As part of our legislative requirements for road naming, we are seeking feedback on the proposed names.

Street name options

Council has identified 3 potential names for use in this renaming and is seeking your feedback on these options.

  1. Strawboard
  2. Butter Factory
  3. Old Dairy

Option 1 refers to the product that was manufactured at the Broadford Paper Mill in the late 1800s.

Options 2 and 3 refer to the Broadford Dairy Company which was historically located in the area around the section of Ferguson Street that this proposal relates to.

Street type options

In addition to the street name, the street type is also being considered, a further 3 options on this are also available for you to choose from.

  1. Street
  2. Lane
  3. Way


  • Provide a submission online
  • Provide a submission in hard copy


For further information please call the Rates Team on 5734 6200.

Closing date

Submissions need to be received by 9am, Monday 3 October 2022.

We're proposing to rename part of Ferguson Street Street in Broadford on the western side of the railway line between Hamilton Street and Murchison Street. There are no changes being proposed to Ferguson Street on the eastern side of the railway line.

Why is the change being proposed?

Ferguson Street in Broadford is currently split by the railway line that runs through the township. One part of Ferguson street runs next to the eastern side of the railway line and the other part is on the western side. Both sides do not physically connect.

Renaming this section of Ferguson Street will make it easier for emergency services and people to locate the correct address. It also meets the naming rules for places in Victoria.

Approximately 15 properties currently addressed to the affected section of Ferguson Street will need to be re-addressed as part of the proposal.

As part of our legislative requirements for road naming, we are seeking feedback on the proposed names.

Street name options

Council has identified 3 potential names for use in this renaming and is seeking your feedback on these options.

  1. Strawboard
  2. Butter Factory
  3. Old Dairy

Option 1 refers to the product that was manufactured at the Broadford Paper Mill in the late 1800s.

Options 2 and 3 refer to the Broadford Dairy Company which was historically located in the area around the section of Ferguson Street that this proposal relates to.

Street type options

In addition to the street name, the street type is also being considered, a further 3 options on this are also available for you to choose from.

  1. Street
  2. Lane
  3. Way


  • Provide a submission online
  • Provide a submission in hard copy


For further information please call the Rates Team on 5734 6200.

Closing date

Submissions need to be received by 9am, Monday 3 October 2022.

  • Mitchell Shire Council would appreciate you taking the time to make a submission. 

    Please note, questions marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

    Online survey closes 9am, Monday 3 October 2022.

    You can make an online submission by completing the form here.

    Consultation on this stage of the renaming has ended. Please visit the main project page for other updates. 

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