Road Management Plan review (2017)

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Consultation has concluded

** The Road Management Plan was adopted at the June Council Meeting (2017). Thank you to everyone who provided input and reviewed the plan. **

We have a Road Management Plan which sets the minimum standards for inspection, maintenance and repair of local roads and footpaths. The plan is reviewed every four years. We have just completed the review and we are now seeking formal written submissions in accordance with Section 223 of the Local Government Act.

The road network in Mitchell Shire consists of Arterial Roads (managed by VicRoads), Municipal Roads (managed by Council) and other roads (managed by the party responsible for the relevant land).

Council is responsible for more than 1380 kilometres of sealed and unsealed local roads and nearly 230 kilometres of concrete and unsealed footpaths. The Road Management Plan only relates to these roads.

We've prepared a map which shows the road network in Mitchell Shire and which local roads we manage.

** The Road Management Plan was adopted at the June Council Meeting (2017). Thank you to everyone who provided input and reviewed the plan. **

We have a Road Management Plan which sets the minimum standards for inspection, maintenance and repair of local roads and footpaths. The plan is reviewed every four years. We have just completed the review and we are now seeking formal written submissions in accordance with Section 223 of the Local Government Act.

The road network in Mitchell Shire consists of Arterial Roads (managed by VicRoads), Municipal Roads (managed by Council) and other roads (managed by the party responsible for the relevant land).

Council is responsible for more than 1380 kilometres of sealed and unsealed local roads and nearly 230 kilometres of concrete and unsealed footpaths. The Road Management Plan only relates to these roads.

We've prepared a map which shows the road network in Mitchell Shire and which local roads we manage.

Consultation has concluded
  • What is a Road Management Plan?

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    supporting image

    The Mitchell Shire Road Management Plan (RMP) is a management system for the road management functions of Council which is based on Council’s policy and operational objectives as well as available resources.

    The plan sets the relevant standards in relation to the discharge of duties in the performance of those road management functions. The RMP sets out Council’s obligations as the responsible authority to inspect,maintain and repair public roads. In simple terms, its purpose is to set out a clear management system for inspection and maintenance of the road and footpath network.

    It covers the following road assets:

    • Road structure including earth formation, road pavement and road surface;
    • Road drainage including roadside table drains, kerbs, culverts, pits and other drainage
    • infrastructure within the road formation;
    • Road signs, guideposts and pavement markings;
    • Bridges and major culverts;
    • Constructed pathways (sealed and unsealed) including paths within driveway crossover
    It provides minimum standards for inspection, construction, maintenance and repairs across these road assets. It also outlines duties of road users and owners or occupiers of adjoining land and provides a list of roads included in the public road register (including roads management by VicRoads or others).
  • What roads are the responsibility of Mitchell Shire Council?

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    supporting image

    There are seven types of roads in Mitchell Shire:

    • Freeway/highway
    • Arterial road
    • Link roads
    • Collector roads
    • Access roads
    • Laneways
    • Fire access tracks
    VicRoads is typically responsible for freeways, highways, arterial roads and some link roads. Mitchell Shire Council is typically responsible for collector and access roads as well as some laneways and fire access tracks. Council also has agreements with some other road authorities for interface roads between municipalities, between road types or on public land such as State Forest.

    Want to check who is responsible for a road near you?

    We've prepared a map to provide an overview of road responsibility. If you need more detail, please contact Council on 5734 6200.

  • What is a Section 223 Submission and how do I make one?

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    The Local Government Act sets out certain requirements for Section 223 submissions.

    All written submissions lodged with Council will become public documents available for inspection by the public in accordance with the Act.

    You can provide a Section 223 submission online or in hard copy.


    Complete our online submission form


    Please download and print our submission form.

    Completed forms can be returned by mail, dropped off to a Customer and Library Service Centre or scanned and emailed.



    Reply Paid 70358, Mitchell Shire Council, 113 High Street Broadford VIC 3658.


    • Broadford Civic Centre, 113 High Street
    • Seymour Customer and Library Service Centre, 125 Anzac Avenue
    • Kilmore Customer and Library Service Centre, 12 Sydney Street
    • Wallan Customer and Library Service Centre, 9/81-99 High Street
  • Public notice

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    In accordance with section 54 of the Road Management Act 2004 and the Road Management (General) Regulations 2016, notice is hereby given that Mitchell Shire Council has undertaken a review of its Road Management Plan and has adopted proposed amendments. The proposed amendments have been incorporated into the draft Road Management Plan.

    A copy of Council’s draft Road Management Plan may be inspected at Council’s Customer and Library Service Centres in Broadford, Kilmore, Seymour and Wallan during business hours or by viewing here.


    Council is seeking formal written submissions on the draft plan in accordance with Section 223 of the Local Government Act.

    Submissions must be received at Mitchell Shire Council, 113 High Street Broadford VIC 3658 by 5pm, Tuesday 16 May 2017.All written submissions lodged with Council will become public documents available for inspection by the public in accordance with the Act.

    Submissions will be considered at a Hearings Committee meeting of Council to be held on Monday 5 June 2017 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Mitchell Shire Council, 113 High Street Broadford, VIC 3658. Council will then consider the plan for adoption at its Council Meeting on 19 June 2017.