Resource Recovery Centres cash handling changes

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Consultation has concluded. For more information about this, please contact our Waste Management Team on 5734 6200.

A person using a portable EFTPOS machine

To serve customers quicker and to improve safety and security at our Resource Recovery Centres in Broadford, Pyalong, Seymour and Wallan, we are planning to change to a cashless service in mid-2020.

Before we make the change, we are seeking input from customers about how they currently pay and how a shift to a cashless service would impact them.

The customer research will be used to help develop a transition plan and to identify any key concerns about how to access this essential service that may need addressing as part of the change.

More information

For more information, please contact the Waste Management Team at

To serve customers quicker and to improve safety and security at our Resource Recovery Centres in Broadford, Pyalong, Seymour and Wallan, we are planning to change to a cashless service in mid-2020.

Before we make the change, we are seeking input from customers about how they currently pay and how a shift to a cashless service would impact them.

The customer research will be used to help develop a transition plan and to identify any key concerns about how to access this essential service that may need addressing as part of the change.

More information

For more information, please contact the Waste Management Team at

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded. For more information about this, please contact our Waste Management Team on 5734 6200.

    We're planning to go cashless at our Resource Recovery Centres. We are conducting some customer research to identify any key concerns that may need addressing as part of the change. 

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    Consultation has concluded. For more information about this, please contact our Waste Management Team on 5734 6200.
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