Public Safety Initiatives

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Consultation has concluded

As part of our commitment to improving public safety and helping people to feel safer in public spaces, we're looking for feedback, views and opinions about:

  • public safety in a selected number of public parks in Mitchell Shire
  • suggestions on initiatives that could be implemented to increase and improve public safety.
  • proposed safety measures for identified parks
  • safety methods currently implemented (both completed and soon to be commenced) at other park/precincts.

Your feedback will help us:

  • evaluate current safety infrastructure in place and provide baseline data for upcoming projects
  • look at alternative public spaces that we can activate
  • help us make informed decisions about funding activities and infrastructure that the community wants and needs.

The survey closes on Thursday 30 May 2019 and will take 5-10 minute to complete.

Want to know more?

Please contact our Community Development Team on (03) 5734 6200 or email Community Development

As part of our commitment to improving public safety and helping people to feel safer in public spaces, we're looking for feedback, views and opinions about:

  • public safety in a selected number of public parks in Mitchell Shire
  • suggestions on initiatives that could be implemented to increase and improve public safety.
  • proposed safety measures for identified parks
  • safety methods currently implemented (both completed and soon to be commenced) at other park/precincts.

Your feedback will help us:

  • evaluate current safety infrastructure in place and provide baseline data for upcoming projects
  • look at alternative public spaces that we can activate
  • help us make informed decisions about funding activities and infrastructure that the community wants and needs.

The survey closes on Thursday 30 May 2019 and will take 5-10 minute to complete.

Want to know more?

Please contact our Community Development Team on (03) 5734 6200 or email Community Development

Consultation has concluded
  • Why are we doing the survey?

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    Mitchell Shire Council is committed to creating a safer and more involved community by working with all stakeholders, including Victoria Police, the community, community groups, and agencies, to improve public safety, and enhance community perceptions of safety in public spaces.

    We are looking to activate public spaces to encourage greater community use for all members of the community.

    Mitchell Shire is keen to hear feedback from the community regarding public safety in a selected number of public parks across the municipality to support both the evaluation of current safety infrastructure in place, and look at alternative public spaces that we can activate.

    We recognise the benefits in consulting with the community prior to embarking on projects; and this is where you come in. We want your views and opinions on the proposed safety measures for identified parks as well as your views of safety methods currently implemented (both completed and soon to be commenced) at other park/precincts.

    Your views will inform data collection for future grant opportunities as well as evaluation of completed projects and baseline data for upcoming projects, ensuring that we are funding activities and infrastructure that the community wants and needs.

    Please complete this short survey to share your views on public safety in public spaces, and provide suggestions on initiatives that could be implemented to increase and improve public safety. It will take between 5-10 minutes approximately

    The survey will be open until 30 May 2019.

    If you require further information please contact our Community Development Team on (03) 5734 6200 or email Community Development