Onsite Wastewater Management Plan

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Consultation has concluded. For more information on this project please contact Council on 5734 6200.

Mitchell Shire Council is seeking feedback and comments on their draft Onsite Wastewater Management Plan 2024 to 2029.

About the plan

Onsite Wastewater Management Systems, commonly referred to as septic tanks, are a necessary part of life in areas that are not yet connected to a sewerage system.

Under Victorian legislation, all Councils with Onsite Wastewater Management Systems in their municipality must develop and implement a management plan. There are more than 3000 of these systems in Mitchell Shire.

The Onsite Wastewater Management Plan aims to:

  • consolidate Council’s understanding of the risks associated with onsite wastewater management systems within their municipality
  • prioritise actions
  • provide direction in relation to how those risks are to be minimised in the medium to longer term.

The plan is being developed in consultation with water corporations, the community and other relevant stakeholders.

The last plan was developed in 2014. Since then, Mitchell Shire has grown and changed. The southern urban corridor and larger townships have seen significant development. There has also been an increased focus on the impacts of climate change and protecting the natural environment.

The key focus areas outlined in this draft plan acknowledge the priority risks identified across the shire. They also aim to build on the work already done to mitigate the potential impacts that onsite wastewater management systems pose to public health and the environment.

The plan has 5 key focus areas:

  1. Finding solutions for our highest risk towns
  2. Identification of legacy and ageing systems
  3. Education and awareness
  4. Enhanced information management
  5. Regulatory responsibility

It is important to note that Council has a statutory duty in relation to the regulation of Onsite Waste Water Management under a number of pieces of legislation including the Environment Protection Act 2017. This means that some of the key action items in this draft plan cannot be altered.

Community and stakeholder input is sought in relation to areas of focus that do not directly relate to our regulatory responsibility. Input in these areas will help to ensure the plan correctly focuses on the areas of highest risk, and that the outcomes delivered over the next 5 years achieve the goal of minimising the risks to our community.


There are a number of ways to make a submission.

  • You can make an online submission via our submissions link below
  • You can send us a written submission-
  • Alternatively, you can visit one of our Customer and Library Service Centres located in Broadford, Kilmore, Seymour or Wallan in person to view a hard copy of the draft plan or to lodge a hard copy submission.

Submissions close 4pm, Monday 21 August 2023.

More information

For more information about the plan or for assistance to make a submission, please contact Adam Evans, Manager Community Amenity and Emergency Management on 03 5734 6200 or by email Adam.Evans@mitchellshire.vic.gov.au

Mitchell Shire Council is seeking feedback and comments on their draft Onsite Wastewater Management Plan 2024 to 2029.

About the plan

Onsite Wastewater Management Systems, commonly referred to as septic tanks, are a necessary part of life in areas that are not yet connected to a sewerage system.

Under Victorian legislation, all Councils with Onsite Wastewater Management Systems in their municipality must develop and implement a management plan. There are more than 3000 of these systems in Mitchell Shire.

The Onsite Wastewater Management Plan aims to:

  • consolidate Council’s understanding of the risks associated with onsite wastewater management systems within their municipality
  • prioritise actions
  • provide direction in relation to how those risks are to be minimised in the medium to longer term.

The plan is being developed in consultation with water corporations, the community and other relevant stakeholders.

The last plan was developed in 2014. Since then, Mitchell Shire has grown and changed. The southern urban corridor and larger townships have seen significant development. There has also been an increased focus on the impacts of climate change and protecting the natural environment.

The key focus areas outlined in this draft plan acknowledge the priority risks identified across the shire. They also aim to build on the work already done to mitigate the potential impacts that onsite wastewater management systems pose to public health and the environment.

The plan has 5 key focus areas:

  1. Finding solutions for our highest risk towns
  2. Identification of legacy and ageing systems
  3. Education and awareness
  4. Enhanced information management
  5. Regulatory responsibility

It is important to note that Council has a statutory duty in relation to the regulation of Onsite Waste Water Management under a number of pieces of legislation including the Environment Protection Act 2017. This means that some of the key action items in this draft plan cannot be altered.

Community and stakeholder input is sought in relation to areas of focus that do not directly relate to our regulatory responsibility. Input in these areas will help to ensure the plan correctly focuses on the areas of highest risk, and that the outcomes delivered over the next 5 years achieve the goal of minimising the risks to our community.


There are a number of ways to make a submission.

  • You can make an online submission via our submissions link below
  • You can send us a written submission-
  • Alternatively, you can visit one of our Customer and Library Service Centres located in Broadford, Kilmore, Seymour or Wallan in person to view a hard copy of the draft plan or to lodge a hard copy submission.

Submissions close 4pm, Monday 21 August 2023.

More information

For more information about the plan or for assistance to make a submission, please contact Adam Evans, Manager Community Amenity and Emergency Management on 03 5734 6200 or by email Adam.Evans@mitchellshire.vic.gov.au

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Consultation has concluded. For more information on this project please contact Council on 5734 6200.

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