Neighbourhood Character Study Seymour
CLOSED: This round of consultation has now closed. For more information on this project please contact Council's Strategic Planning team on 5734 6200.
Mitchell Shire Council is preparing a Neighbourhood Character Study for Seymour.
About the Character Study
Seymour is going to see some change in its neighbourhoods in the coming years.
To ensure this new development recognises and responds to the key characteristics and attributes of the town, Council is preparing a Neighbourhood Character Study (NCS).
The study aims to identify the key valued features of residential neighbourhoods in Seymour, and develop Neighbourhood Character Statements describing the existing and preferred neighbourhood character across distinct precincts within the town.
These Neighbourhood Character statements will inform future planning policies which will be used to determine the planning applications about new development and how it responds to the key elements of the neighbourhood. A future Planning Scheme Amendment will be needed to introduce the planning policy.
Stage 1 Consultation concluded in September 2023. The Consultation Summary is now available for viewing and download.
In the second phase of community engagement, Council will make available the Draft Neighbourhood Character Study for community input.
More information
Please contact our Strategic Planning Team on 5734 6200 or email
CLOSED: This round of consultation has now closed. For more information on this project please contact Council's Strategic Planning team on 5734 6200.