Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2017-2021

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Consultation has concluded

We've come up with a new four-year plan to help improve health and wellbeing in our municipality .

The Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan includes key goals and strategies for Council and other organisations around five core themes:

  1. Healthy and Vibrant Communities
  2. Safe and Resilient Communities
  3. Environmentally Sustainable Communities
  4. Social, Connected and Diverse Communities
  5. Planning and Advocating for Communities

All Councils need to prepare a plan as part of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008.

The Mitchell Shire Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan (2017-2021) also aligns closely with our new Council Plan.

An extensive community consultation program was undertaken to help develop the five key priority areas and associated actions. We are now seeking your input on the draft plan.

Submissions close 21 July 2017 and can be made via hard copy or online via the Make a Submission tab.

Councillors will then consider adopting the plan, along with any changes, at the August Council meeting.

We've come up with a new four-year plan to help improve health and wellbeing in our municipality .

The Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan includes key goals and strategies for Council and other organisations around five core themes:

  1. Healthy and Vibrant Communities
  2. Safe and Resilient Communities
  3. Environmentally Sustainable Communities
  4. Social, Connected and Diverse Communities
  5. Planning and Advocating for Communities

All Councils need to prepare a plan as part of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008.

The Mitchell Shire Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan (2017-2021) also aligns closely with our new Council Plan.

An extensive community consultation program was undertaken to help develop the five key priority areas and associated actions. We are now seeking your input on the draft plan.

Submissions close 21 July 2017 and can be made via hard copy or online via the Make a Submission tab.

Councillors will then consider adopting the plan, along with any changes, at the August Council meeting.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for your interest in the draft Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan.

    To review the draft, please download a copy here.

    You can also review related information in the Document section of this page. 

    Submissions need to be received by 5pm on 21 July 2017 and can be made online or via hard copy. 

    You can lodge a hard copy or online written submission. To make an online submission complete the form below.

    To make a hard copy submission, please download, print and return the submission form by the due date.

    Consultation has concluded
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