Environment Advisory Committee

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Consultation has concluded

Mitchell Shire Council is calling for six (6) community, agency and industry representatives on the Environment Advisory Committee.

The purpose of the Committee is to:

“Capitalise on the knowledge, experience and skill available in the community to provide Mitchell Shire Council with strategic advice in respect to environmental sustainability and management issues and initiatives within the municipality.”

Representatives will be appointed by Council for a period of 2 years and are chosen on the basis of;

  • Diversity of environmental interests and knowledge including biodiversity, natural resource management, farming and landcare and environmental education.

  • Live and/or work within the municipality, or have a demonstrated connection to the municipality through professional, technical or industry alliances.

  • Representation comprising a mix of urban and rural members across the geographical spread of the Shire.

  • A mix of skills and attributes to complement other members of the committee

  • Ability to regularly attend and participate in meetings as scheduled.

For further information please read the Terms of Reference or contact the Mitchell Shire Council’s Environment Coordinator, Elyse Kelly on 5734 6200 or environment@mitchellshire.vic.gov.au

Mitchell Shire Council is calling for six (6) community, agency and industry representatives on the Environment Advisory Committee.

The purpose of the Committee is to:

“Capitalise on the knowledge, experience and skill available in the community to provide Mitchell Shire Council with strategic advice in respect to environmental sustainability and management issues and initiatives within the municipality.”

Representatives will be appointed by Council for a period of 2 years and are chosen on the basis of;

  • Diversity of environmental interests and knowledge including biodiversity, natural resource management, farming and landcare and environmental education.

  • Live and/or work within the municipality, or have a demonstrated connection to the municipality through professional, technical or industry alliances.

  • Representation comprising a mix of urban and rural members across the geographical spread of the Shire.

  • A mix of skills and attributes to complement other members of the committee

  • Ability to regularly attend and participate in meetings as scheduled.

For further information please read the Terms of Reference or contact the Mitchell Shire Council’s Environment Coordinator, Elyse Kelly on 5734 6200 or environment@mitchellshire.vic.gov.au

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Mitchell Shire Council is calling for six community, agency and industry representatives on the Environment Advisory Committee.

    Consultation has concluded
    Share Mitchell Environment Advisory Committee application (2017) on Facebook Share Mitchell Environment Advisory Committee application (2017) on Twitter Share Mitchell Environment Advisory Committee application (2017) on Linkedin Email Mitchell Environment Advisory Committee application (2017) link