Allowances for Mayor and Councillors

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Consultation has concluded. For more information on this project, please contact us on 5734 6200.

We’re required to review allowances for Councillors and Mayors after each election. So, we're now seeking feedback on the review.

The Act requires us to conduct a community survey by no later than 30 June 2021, with Mitchell Shire's Mayoral and Councillor allowance being set and fixed at $26,245 and $81,204 per annum, respectively, for the next four financial years (no change from the previous term).

Each Council has discretion within the allowable range to determine the allowances it will pay to its Mayor and Councillors, having regard to local circumstances and priorities

There is no proposed or planned increase over the next four years.

Mitchell Shire Council is classified by the Victorian Government as a Category 2 Council.

For more information on how these changes and prices are set out, head to the Victorian Government's website.

In accordance with section 223 of the Local Government Act, any person who has made a written submission to the Council and requested that he or she be heard in support of the written submission is entitled to appear in person or by a person acting on his or her behalf at the Community Questions and Hearings Committee meeting to be held at the Mitchell Shire Council, 113 High Street Broadford at 7pm on Tuesday 15 June 2021.

Any person may make a submission to this proposal. Submissions must be made in writing, addressed to Mitchell Shire Council, 113 High Street Broadford.

Submissions close at 5pm on 27 May 2021.

Please note that unless a submitter requests otherwise, the submission will be made available to the public as part of a Council agenda.

Should further information be required, please contact Council’s Manager Governance & Corporate Accountability, Lidia Harding on 5734 6200.

We’re required to review allowances for Councillors and Mayors after each election. So, we're now seeking feedback on the review.

The Act requires us to conduct a community survey by no later than 30 June 2021, with Mitchell Shire's Mayoral and Councillor allowance being set and fixed at $26,245 and $81,204 per annum, respectively, for the next four financial years (no change from the previous term).

Each Council has discretion within the allowable range to determine the allowances it will pay to its Mayor and Councillors, having regard to local circumstances and priorities

There is no proposed or planned increase over the next four years.

Mitchell Shire Council is classified by the Victorian Government as a Category 2 Council.

For more information on how these changes and prices are set out, head to the Victorian Government's website.

In accordance with section 223 of the Local Government Act, any person who has made a written submission to the Council and requested that he or she be heard in support of the written submission is entitled to appear in person or by a person acting on his or her behalf at the Community Questions and Hearings Committee meeting to be held at the Mitchell Shire Council, 113 High Street Broadford at 7pm on Tuesday 15 June 2021.

Any person may make a submission to this proposal. Submissions must be made in writing, addressed to Mitchell Shire Council, 113 High Street Broadford.

Submissions close at 5pm on 27 May 2021.

Please note that unless a submitter requests otherwise, the submission will be made available to the public as part of a Council agenda.

Should further information be required, please contact Council’s Manager Governance & Corporate Accountability, Lidia Harding on 5734 6200.

  • Online survey

    You can make an online submission by completing the form below.

    Hard copy survey

    • Download and print a hard copy submission form.
    • Send us a written submission by email to or mail to Mitchell Shire Council, Reply Paid 70358, 113 High Street, Broadford, Vic, 3658 (no stamp required)
    Submissions close on Thursday 27 May 2021

    Consultation has concluded. For more information on this project, please contact us on 5734 6200.

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