Kilmore East speed limit changes

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Consultation has concluded. 

We're proposing some permanent speed limit changes ahead of planned upgrades to the O'Gradys Road intersection near the railway underpass. These works will permanently change the speed limit on the approaches to Kilmore East. This means we also need to make some changes to the speed limit through the Kilmore East township and on surrounding roads.

What's proposed?

We're proposing to change the speed zones throughout the Kilmore East township area on Kilmore East Road, O’Gradys Road, Nannys Creek Road and Dry Creek Road.

These changes will improve safety at the O'Gradys Road intersection and bring the approaches from other surrounding roads in line with new Victorian Speed Zone Guidelines.

For options on how to provide feedback, please click the survey link below.

Survey closes Friday 4 October.

We're proposing some permanent speed limit changes ahead of planned upgrades to the O'Gradys Road intersection near the railway underpass. These works will permanently change the speed limit on the approaches to Kilmore East. This means we also need to make some changes to the speed limit through the Kilmore East township and on surrounding roads.

What's proposed?

We're proposing to change the speed zones throughout the Kilmore East township area on Kilmore East Road, O’Gradys Road, Nannys Creek Road and Dry Creek Road.

These changes will improve safety at the O'Gradys Road intersection and bring the approaches from other surrounding roads in line with new Victorian Speed Zone Guidelines.

For options on how to provide feedback, please click the survey link below.

Survey closes Friday 4 October.

Consultation has concluded. 
  • About the proposed changes

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    Council is proposing to change the speed zones throughout the Kilmore East township area on Kilmore East Road, O’Gradys Road, Nannys Creek Road and Dry Creek Road.

    This change is being proposed to improve safety at the intersections of O’Grady’s Road/Kilmore East Road and Nannys Creek Road/Dry Creek Road and to ensure speed limits in the area are consistent with the Victorian Speed Zone Guidelines.

    O'Grady's Road intersection
    While this proposal will result in a slight increase to the existing speed limit on O’Gradys Road through the township zone (from 50km/h to 60km/h), this change will allow us to include the complex intersections and rail underpass into a reduced speed zone which is expected to greatly improve road safety in the area.

    New statewide speed zone guidelines
    The new 60km/h zone will provide motorists with consistency throughout the Kilmore East township area.
    The proposal will also result in the removal of the existing 80km/h buffer speed zone on O’Gradys Road at the southern end of the township.

    This will mean the existing 100km/h zone along O’Gradys Road south of the township will extend to the new 60km/h zone at the southern entrance to the township residential zone. ‘60km/h AHEAD’ signage will provide advanced warning of the new 60km/h in this location to ensure motorists adjust vehicle speeds accordingly.

    The proposed changes to speed zonings have been recommended following a comprehensive review of the speed zones throughout Kilmore East and are compliant with the Victorian Speed Zoning Guidelines.

    Future O'Gradys Road intersection works
    Council is also proposing intersection upgrade works at the intersection of O’Gradys Road and Kilmore East Road, hopefully to commence early in the new year. The works will be extensive and generally involve the complete realignment of the intersection to a standard t-intersection with turning lanes from O’Gradys Road. These works and the speed zone changes are an integral part of delivering a safer road environment to our community. More information on this intersection upgrade will be made available in coming months.