Hudson Park Landscape Master Plan

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Consultation on the draft Hudson Park master plan has concluded. The responses from the survey and further community consultation and engagement will inform the development of the next stage of this project. 

Welcome to Hudson Park sign with trees in the background

Council has prepared a draft landscape master plan for Hudson Park in Kilmore and we're inviting community input.

The master plan aims to provide a clear vision for the future of Hudson Park that reflects and reinforces its role as Kilmore’s primary town park.

How can you get involved?

You can get involved by:

  • Completing a survey or lodging a submission online, via email or in hard copy
  • Attending a drop in session on Thursday 19 September.

Submissions close at 9am on Monday 7 October.

Council has prepared a draft landscape master plan for Hudson Park in Kilmore and we're inviting community input.

The master plan aims to provide a clear vision for the future of Hudson Park that reflects and reinforces its role as Kilmore’s primary town park.

How can you get involved?

You can get involved by:

  • Completing a survey or lodging a submission online, via email or in hard copy
  • Attending a drop in session on Thursday 19 September.

Submissions close at 9am on Monday 7 October.

Consultation on the draft Hudson Park master plan has concluded. The responses from the survey and further community consultation and engagement will inform the development of the next stage of this project. 

  • About the draft master plan

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    Council has prepared an initial draft landscape master plan to create a long term vision for Hudson Park.

    The Master Plan also aims to provide a suitable space for community events and passive recreation, integrate and enhance Kilmore Creek, acknowledge and celebrate local history, improve local connections to the main street, the neighbouring community services and contribute to the public realm.

    The draft plan is preliminary in nature and is for discussion purposes with the community. It has been informed by preliminary meetings with key stakeholders to understand the way Hudson Park is currently used and how these groups may want to see the park used in the future.

    These key stakeholders included the Taungurung Land & waters Corporation, Kilmore Bowls Club, KADRRA, the Miniature Rail, RSL and Scouts. The feedback from the 2014 Hudson Park Draft Master Plan has also helped inform the preliminary design.

  • Background information

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    Previous master plan

    A master plan was also prepared for Hudson Park in 2014, informing upgrades to the play space in 2016.

    Since then, preliminary work on a number of key initiatives such as the Wallan-Heathcote Rail Trail, the Kilmore Creek Landscape Masterplan, the Kilmore Community Services Hub and the strategic recommendations from The Town Centre Plan and Kilmore Structure Plan has meant that the 2014 master plan requires review.

    Other strategic links

    In order to respond pro-actively to Kilmore’s forecast growth and the critical need to plan for this in a way that responds to the community’s requirements and aspirations, Mitchell Shire Council undertook the Kilmore 3764 Project, a strategic planning exercise which produced the Kilmore Structure Plan and Kilmore Town Centre Plan to guide future growth.

    The need to prepare a Landscape Master Plan for Hudson Park is one of the projects identified by the Kilmore Town Centre Plan. Preparing a Master Plan also supports the objectives of the Kilmore Structure Plan.

  • Provide input

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    You can lodge a submission or complete a survey online here.

    Please lodge your submission or complete the survey by 9am, Monday 7 October 2019 to ensure your views are considered.


    Take our online survey here.


    Submissions can be provided:

    • online here
    • by email to link) or
    • post to Mitchell Shire Council, Reply Paid 70358, Strategic Planning Department - Kilmore Creek Landscape Master Plan 113 High Street, Broadford, VIC 3658 (no stamp required)

  • Find out more

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    View master plan

    We've prepared a fact sheet with a summary of the key elements of the master plan.

    Attend a drop in session

    Council Officers will be available to discuss the draft Master Plan at a drop in session in Kilmore on Thursday 19 September from 1.30pm to 8pm at the John Taylor Room, Kilmore Customer and Library Service Centre. (note: this is a shared drop in session with the Kilmore Creek draft landscape master plan)

    Contact Council

    For further information please call 5734 6200.

  • Copies of the master plan

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    The master plan is available to download on this site.

    Hard copies can be viewed at:

    • Wallan: Mitchell Shire Planning and Building Office, 4A and 4B, 61 High Street
    • Kilmore: Customer and Library Service Centre, 12 Sydney Street
    • Broadford: Customer and Library Service Centre, 113 High Street