Environmental Grants Program

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Consultation has concluded

The Mitchell Shire Environmental Grants Program has been developed through the review of the Land Management Rebate Policy. 2015/2016 is the inaugural year for this new Council initiative.

Council’s objective for the Environmental Grants Program (EGP) is to support and encourage sustainable land management on private land in Mitchell Shire.

The Program provides a financial incentive for on ground works and education activities relating to increased sustainable land management on private land.

The program provides eligible property owners with $200 for small scale projects, up to $1,000 for medium scale on ground projects and up to $3,000 for undertaking large scale on ground projects. In 2015/2016 Council will contribute approximately $120,000 to the Program as incentive for landholders.

Council would like your feedback on the Environmental Grants Program to assist with the evaluation process. Your feedback will be used to inform the review of the program for the 2016/2017 year.

Please register or sign in to participate in the survey. If you would prefer to complete a hard copy survey please contact the Environment Team on 03 5734 6200 and they will arrange to send one out to you. Visit our Privacy Policy page for more information on how your data is protected.

The Mitchell Shire Environmental Grants Program has been developed through the review of the Land Management Rebate Policy. 2015/2016 is the inaugural year for this new Council initiative.

Council’s objective for the Environmental Grants Program (EGP) is to support and encourage sustainable land management on private land in Mitchell Shire.

The Program provides a financial incentive for on ground works and education activities relating to increased sustainable land management on private land.

The program provides eligible property owners with $200 for small scale projects, up to $1,000 for medium scale on ground projects and up to $3,000 for undertaking large scale on ground projects. In 2015/2016 Council will contribute approximately $120,000 to the Program as incentive for landholders.

Council would like your feedback on the Environmental Grants Program to assist with the evaluation process. Your feedback will be used to inform the review of the program for the 2016/2017 year.

Please register or sign in to participate in the survey. If you would prefer to complete a hard copy survey please contact the Environment Team on 03 5734 6200 and they will arrange to send one out to you. Visit our Privacy Policy page for more information on how your data is protected.

Environmental Grants Program Survey

Consultation has concluded