Council Plan Revision 2019

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Consultation has concluded

Council Plan cover

We have a four year Council Plan which helps guide our services, initiatives and priorities. The Council Plan is the key driver of our budget and strategic resource plan. We measure our performance against the plan each year and report on how we're going through our Annual Report.

We've come to the mid-term point of the four year plan. We're proposing some changes to keep the plan current and to better reflect our current priorities.

We'd like your input. We're calling for submissions through section 223 of the Local Government Act. This is a formal submission process. You can find out more about it below.

Submissions need to be received by 5pm, Wednesday 22 May 2019.

Submissions can be made online here or via hard copy.

We have a four year Council Plan which helps guide our services, initiatives and priorities. The Council Plan is the key driver of our budget and strategic resource plan. We measure our performance against the plan each year and report on how we're going through our Annual Report.

We've come to the mid-term point of the four year plan. We're proposing some changes to keep the plan current and to better reflect our current priorities.

We'd like your input. We're calling for submissions through section 223 of the Local Government Act. This is a formal submission process. You can find out more about it below.

Submissions need to be received by 5pm, Wednesday 22 May 2019.

Submissions can be made online here or via hard copy.

Consultation has concluded
  • Council Plan adopted

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    The revised Council Plan was adopted at the June 2019 Council Meeting.

    View adopted plan.

  • Public notice

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    On Monday 15 April 2019, in accordance with section 125(7) of the Local Government Act 1989, the Council Plan 2017-2021 has been reviewed, and some alterations have been proposed.

    Copies of the Council Plan 2017-2021 (updated 2019) are available for inspection until 22 May 2019 at Council’s Customer and Library Service Centres in Broadford, Kilmore, Seymour and Wallan, and on Council’s engagement portal

    Council will meet to adopt the Council Plan (updated 2019) at 113 High Street Broadford at an Ordinary Meeting of Council at 7pm on 17 June 2019.


    Written submissions about the revised Council Plan will be considered in accordance with section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989 (“the Act”).

    Submissions must be received at Mitchell Shire Council, 113 High Street Broadford VIC 3658 by 5pm Wednesday 22 May 2019. All written submissions lodged with the Council will become public documents available for inspection by the public in accordance with the Act.

    Submissions can be made via:

    Submissions will be considered at the Community Questions and Hearings Committee meeting to be held on Monday 3 June 2019 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Mitchell Shire Council, 113 High Street Broadford, VIC 3658.