Community Wellbeing Survey
Consultation has concluded

Community Wellbeing is everyone’s responsibility, although Local Government plays an important role in influencing health, it is through partnerships, collaboration and community involvement that health and wellbeing outcomes can be achieved.
Mitchell Shire Council’s vision is together with the community to create a sustainable future. To achieve this vision, Council sets a number of key goals over the four-year term and specific actions each year.
This survey is your chance to let Council know how well you think they are progressing towards achieving their aims. Mitchell Shire Council invites you to complete this short survey, and join the conversation to assist in the development of the Council Plan and Mitchell Shire Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2017-2021, as well as subsequent plans and strategies. Your responses will provide insights toward actions that can improve health and wellbeing in our community.
This survey should take approximately 5 minutes to complete and is open to all residents within Mitchell Shire. Council seeks your support and cooperation by participating in this survey.
This survey is open until 2 April 2017. Participants can go into the draw to win a fortnightly prize just by submitting a survey either online or via hard copy.
For further information, please contact Mitchell Shire Council on (03) 5734 6200.