Rate Capping: potential service and infrastructure cuts
- input from Community Conversations and other consultation
- socio-economic impact
- statutory and non-statutory services
- services that are not Council’s legal responsibility
- financial impact
- School Crossings: Cease Council contribution and only provide supervised crossings that State Government fully funds ($187,000 cut)
- Fire Prevention: Reduce preventative activities which are not legislative requirements ($150,000 cut)
- Customer and Library Service Centres: Reduce hours ($85,000 cut)
- Leisure Centres: Reduce hours ($50,000 cut)
- Tourism Grants: Cut subsidy to groups providing tourism events and activities ($70,000 cut*)
- Community Grants: Cut subsidy to community groups which provide community events, activities and equipment ($140,000 cut*)
- Environment Grants: Cut subsidy to landholders and community groups for weed control, erosion control, revegetation and other environmental works on private land ($120,000 cut*)
- Seymour | Kings Park netball change rooms and court two: Cut from 2016/17 works program with flow on effects to other planned capital works in future years ($270,000 cut)
- Broadford | Harley Hammond Reserve Oval upgrade: Cut from 2016/17 works program with flow on effects to other planned capital works in future years ($230,000 cut)
- Wallan | RB Robson Stadium power upgrade: Cut from 2016/17 with flow on effects to other planned capital works in future years ($40,000 cut)
- Wallan | Footpaths: Cut $100,000 from footpaths in Wallan ($100,000 cut)
Consultation has concluded