Centenary Drive Playspace

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Consultation has concluded

We're upgrading Centenary Drive Reserve in Kilmore and we want your feedback on proposed plans for a new playspace with a shade sail, a half-court basketball area, plantings, pathways and drainage.

The works at Centenary Drive will help to address a key gap in Kilmore’s park infrastructure and provision. Kilmore currently has the poorest playspace provision in Mitchell.

The project also includes the removal of play equipment at nearby Link Reserve which is in poor condition.

Drop in session, 1 May

We're hosting a drop in session on Wednesday 1 May at the reserve from 5-6pm.

Funding partners

This project is funded by Mitchell Shire Council and the Victorian Government's Growing Suburbs Fund.

Survey closes Monday 13 May.

We're upgrading Centenary Drive Reserve in Kilmore and we want your feedback on proposed plans for a new playspace with a shade sail, a half-court basketball area, plantings, pathways and drainage.

The works at Centenary Drive will help to address a key gap in Kilmore’s park infrastructure and provision. Kilmore currently has the poorest playspace provision in Mitchell.

The project also includes the removal of play equipment at nearby Link Reserve which is in poor condition.

Drop in session, 1 May

We're hosting a drop in session on Wednesday 1 May at the reserve from 5-6pm.

Funding partners

This project is funded by Mitchell Shire Council and the Victorian Government's Growing Suburbs Fund.

Survey closes Monday 13 May.

Consultation has concluded
  • Drop in session

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    Want to find out more or discuss the proposal?

    We're hosting a drop in session at the reserve.

    5-6pm, Wednesday 1 May

    All welcome.