Draft documents released

The $97.76 million Draft Budget is focused on continuing to plan for the futureand avoid growing pains as the Shire’s population is rapidly growing towards 53,000 people.

As part of the budget process, Council reviews the fees and charge schedule in line with industry and local government benchmarking. Costs which have risen are a direct reflection on the costs to Council to run that service.

On average, our fees and charges have increased by 2.5 per cent. Council has made this decision in order to cover the costs to our community.

The waste charges have risen by 8.6 per cent in order to cover the costs of operation. This is necessary to ensure we can continue to provide a high-quality waste and recycling service. The cost of waste and recycling service delivery is charged to community members through an annual waste charge. This cost reflects the total cost in operating Council’s waste and recycling services.

Rates have also risen by 2 per cent in line with the State Government’s mandated rate cap.

This budgetaims to balance, maintain and expand services and infrastructure across the State’s fastest growing municipality.

Council has also released the DSRP. This plan is reviewed annually and sets financial and non-financial targets.

The DSRP guides Council’s commitment to long term financial sustainability, delivering key services for current and future communities, accountability and working within the annual rate cap.

Mitchell Shire continues to face a number of key challenges as our community is made up of both rapidly growing rural and urban areas. Council understands that we need to plan appropriate services for these rapidly growing communities.

Now more than ever, Mitchell Shire needs increased State and Federal Government funding invested into our community. We will continue to advocate on behalf of our community to attract more grants to support our growth and the impacts on ratepayers.

You can provide your input atwww.engagingmitchellshire.com. Submissions close Wednesday 22 April.

A special Budget Hearings Meeting will be held on 4 May to discuss formal submissions.

Quotes attributable to Mitchell Shire Mayor Councillor David Lowe

“This budget is the final budget and Strategic Resource Plan of this Council’s four-year term and it certainly reflects both the challenges and opportunities of Victoria’s fastest growing shire,” he said.

“Over the past four years we have had tremendous population growth and a strong focus on improving facilities, services and infrastructure, and roads. This budget is committed to the ongoing delivery of services and investment in our community.

“With our growth we continue to rely heavily on grant opportunities to support our needs as well as advocacy to attract more services, infrastructure and investment into our community.”


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