Where do I find the capital works information?

    Capital works highlights are included against each service area in Section 2 of the budget document. 

    The Budgeted Statement of Capital Works is included on page 28 of the Budget document. 

    The Capital Works program (including works carried forward from the current financial year) begins on page 46 of the Budget document. 

    I submitted an idea through Your Budget Ideas, but I can't see it in the budget. What has happened to it?

    Every single ideas has been allocated to a team within Council for consideration.

    Some of the ideas have been included in the Capital Works program. Some are under consideration for future years. 

    Other ideas have been included in the operating budgets of each service area. Some are under consideration for future years.

    Some ideas require a lot more work and will be investigated further. 

    Some ideas, whilst very welcome, are just not viable at this stage and will be shelved for now. 

    What's a Section 223 submission?

    A Section 223 submission is a formal submission process outlined in the Local Government Act. 

    Under the Act there a few criteria that need to be met under Section 223 including:

    • public notice calling for submissions
    • a minimum of 28 days for people to make submissions
    • the opportunity for people to speak to their submission if they wish (or a representative on their behalf)
    • the submission becomes part of the public record of the Council meeting (some personal details removed)
    If you don't want to make a formal submission, you can also attend a Councillor pop up or let your Councillors know your thoughts so they can consider them before making any final decisions about the budget and strategic resource plan. 

    What's in the budget document?

    The Budget document is a technical document which includes a range of information required by legislation and by best practice guides. 

    We've tried to keep the budget document as simple as possible, but still meet these technical requirements. 


    The Mayor's Message, CEO's Summary and budget influences at the start of the budget document provide a summary of factors that have influenced the budget as well as key challenges and highlights. 

    Budget reports

    The budget then contains a series of reports. 

    Section 1: Links to the Council Plan

    This section describes how the Annual Budget links to the Council Plan within an overall strategic planning framework. This framework guides the Council in identifying community needs and aspirations over the long (Community Plan), medium (Council Plan) and short term (Annual Budget) and then in holding itself accountable (Audited Statements). 

    Section 2: Services, initiatives and performance indicators

    This section describes the services and initiatives to be funded in the Budget for the 2019-2020 year and explains how these will contribute to achieving the Strategic Objectives specified in the Council Plan. It also includes service performance indicators which are linked to the performance indicators within the Local Government Performance Reporting Framework. The SRP is part of and prepared in conjunction with the Council Plan. 

    Section 3: Financial Statements

    This section presents information in regards to the Budgeted Financial Statements and Statement of Human Resources. The budget information for the years 2019-2020 to 2022-2023 has been extracted from the Strategic Resource Plan. 

    At the end of each financial year Council is required to include the Financial Statements in its Annual Report. This is a comparison of actual income and expenditure compared with the income and expenditure in the financial statements within the Budget. 

    The section includes the following financial statements in accordance with the Local Government Act 1989 and the Local Government Model Financial Report:
    • Budgeted Comprehensive Income Statement
    • Budgeted Balance Sheet
    • Budgeted Statement of Changes in Equity
    • Budgeted Statement of Cash Flows
    • Budgeted Statement of Capital Works
    • Budgeted Statement of Human Resource

    Section 4: Notes to the financial statements

    This section presents detailed information on material components of the financial statements including:

    • Rates and charges
    • Statutory fees and fines
    • User fees
    • Grants
    • Contributions
    • Other income
    • Employee costs
    • Materials and services
    • Depreciation and amortisation
    • Other expenses
    • Assets
    • Liabilities
    • Borrowings
    • Working capital
    • Accumulated surplus
    • Reserves
    • Cash flows
    • Capital works

    Section 5: Financial Performance Indicators

    This section shows Council’s current and projected performance across a range of key financial performance indicators including:

    • Operating position
    • Liquidity
    • Obligations
    • Stability
    • Efficiency

    Appendix A: Fees and charges

    This section outlines proposed fees and charges across all council services for 2019/20. Note, this schedule only includes fees that Council sets. There are other fees that are set by statute and charged by Council in addition to this list. 

    Appendix B: Budget processes

    This section lists the budget processes to be undertaken in order to adopt the Budget in accordance with the Local Government Act 1989 (the Act) and Local Government (Planning and Reporting) Regulations 2014 (the Regulations). 

    What's in the Strategic Resource Plan (SRP)?

    The SRP sets financial targets and helps guide financially sustainable decision making over the next four years. 

    The SRP shows what resources will be needed (both financial and non-financial) to implement Council’s commitments through adopted plans and strategies and to meet community aspirations and needs. 

    The SRP helps assess these commitments and aspirations against Council’s capacity to resource them and identifies areas where adjustments may be needed to these commitments or to Council’s financial plans.