Naming Proposal - Agricultural Pavilion Kings Park Seymour
Consultation has concluded. For more information on this project, please contact Council on 5734 6200.

An application has been made to Council to name the Agricultural Pavilion in Kings Park Seymour the Fred Grimwade Pavilion. We're currently seeking community feedback on this proposal.
About the proposed name
The Honourable Fred Grimwade AO (b 1933, d 1989) served on the Council of the Seymour Agricultural and Pastoral Society for more than 25 years. He represented the area in the Victorian Parliament from 1967 to 1987. He was President of the Legislative Council from 1979 to 1985. He was also a Pyalong Shire Councillor from 1961 to 1980.
Submissions need to meet the Victorian Government's Naming rules for places in Victoria. This is a statutory requirement for naming roads, features and localities.
- Submissions can be made online
- Download and print a hard copy form from this website or request a hard copy by:
- calling 5734 6200
- visiting a customer or library service centre
- Send a written submission by email to or mail to Mitchell Shire Council, Reply Paid 70358, 113 High Street, Broadford, Vic, 3658 (no stamp required)
- Drop a hard copy submission to our Customer and Library Service Centres in Broadford, Kilmore, Seymour and Wallan.
Survey closes 9am, Monday 15 May 2023
More information
For more information on the proposal or the naming process or for assistance to make a submission, please contact Council's Governance Team on 5734 6200.